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SHORTCUTS TO: Current Course Calendar /  Chronological list of submitted assignments [ ongoing updates]  Major Speeches: Assignments & Presentation Schedules / 58A survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/WNBD5WB



 COST1600-[Leadership Development Program-Stillman School of Business]    

      COURSE SYLLABUS   ["front loaded style"]

      updated 11/17/17



DR. E. PLUMMER   ---------  College of Communication and the Arts
{office: FH-51} {mailbox: FH-45} {voicemail: 973-275-2791}
{e-mail: evelyn.plummer@shu.edu /or/ plummeev@shu.edu }
{professor's  web page: http://pirate.shu.edu/~plummeev




REQUIRED TEXT:  Communicate!  (15th edition/MindTap Learning system: any format) -  Verderber, et al.  

Purchasing Options

The bookstore will be selling the materials being used in this course.  In the event that the bookstore runs out of stock, you can purchase the materials at (http://www.cengagebrain.com/course/1446752).  Please note that the bookstore should be your first choice to buy materials.




COURSE DESCRIPTION: (from University Bulletin) A broad study of the speaking and listening experience. Students perform and evaluate their skills. Voice and articulation and the organization and presentation of ideas are covered.     


Oral Communication is a "Core" course, required for all majors in your department. However, this particular section is aligned with a special program: the Business School's Center for Leadership Development. Also, from 9/95-5/98, the leadership students were "the control group" for the University's Mobile Computing Pilot Project. Overall, the primary content and activities of this course are the same as for all Oral Communication students; however, the references, examples, projects, and topics used in this class will emphasize concepts of leadership practices and digital capabilities as would be found in professional contexts, including:

  • Email technique (clarity, etiquette, efficiency, handling attachments)

  • Group Editing/Critiquing of Speech Outlines [WIKIs][Forums]

  • Understanding the principles of oral language vs Written Language

  • Developing strategic navigation skills for finding, reading, and using online content. (via Assignments & Schedules on the Professor's web page AND quizzes  & Slide Shows in Blackboard AND Activities, Assessments and Misc materials in MindTap)

  • Skilled use of visual supporting materials (e.g. [Powerpoint, etc]

  •  Ability to assess credibility & validity in online sources and research.  

  •  Improved online comment & commentary




SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES FOR "Leadership" ORAL COMM: (coordinated with Business School's Competencies ) 

    1. to increase skills in communication areas particularly relevant to leadership effectiveness: e.g.  audience-centeredness , clear organizationactive listeningnonverbal awareness , interaction dynamics  

    2. to better understand the ways that various communication technologies can affect communication practices:

  e.g.  media richness theory vis-a-vis message structure & semantics, group interaction,  communication flow

    3. to improve abilities in organizing and presenting material --- in presentational & interpersonal contexts

    4. to develop greater ease and confidence in all types of oral situations

    5. to improve skills of voice and diction {e.g. clearer articulation , meaningful vocal variety }

    6. to become aware of strengthening communication skills throughout a lifetime (building knowledge,  competence, & adaptability)  

    7.  To engage in structured teamwork (working with others in teams & groups)

    8. Also refer to the document:
"Oral Communication: Course Rationale & FAQ's " .



         1. On-time submission of written course assignments: via email or printed/hardcopy, as specified

       2. On-time completion of all presentations and speeches (including submission of hardcopy

                outlines for each Major presentation)


       3. Understanding and application of the material covered in the text & online tutorials  (incl. MindTap)


       4.  Regular attendance and participation in class {no more than 3 hrs of absence/ 3 tardies = 1 absence}

              An absence will be considered "excused" only if accompanied by appropriate documentation (e.g. medical note, court papers, Dean's verification, etc)


        5. Completion of  “outside” reading/research/observational assignments, as assigned


        6. Use of audio recording  OR videorecording of most presentations  (formats to be specified) e.g. personal digital recorder /miniDV)  
        7. Testing/Assessment: via Quizzes (3-4; announced; online via Blackboard &/or MindTap
                                               Midterm Exam (written, in class)
                                               "The Final"  (written + oral, in class)


        8. Extra Credit Opportunities: Attendance & brief reaction paper for one performance of a Theater-in-the-Round/SHU Theatre production ( 2 productions this semester.) Click for additional information: T-I-T-R/Arts Council



Several studies have indicated that using electronic devices in contexts which require careful listening actually is counterproductive. You may also be interested in reading about: Computer Distraction Research. Therefore, these policies will help you be a better listener/student:      

  In-class usage of computers/devices will be restricted to class relevant applications only {i.e. no IM, no email, no chat, restricted notetaking , etc.}.

  Similarly, there is a  no-electronic-distractions-policy for this class {e.g. no cell phone usage/no audible pagers or alarms/no texting,  etc.}

Also…BE AWARE OF ASSIGNMENTS’ DATES AND DEADLINES; there will be little or no opportunity for make up work.


          Students will be evaluated in consideration of their  growth in, and mastery of,  public and interpersonal communication skills.  Quality and comprehensiveness are additional factors in the evaluation of class performance.

   ATTENDANCE AFFECTS GRADE. (In general, the semester grade will be lowered one denomination in proportion to the number of additional absences beyond the course limit.)

 GRADE COMPUTATION:  Major Oral Presentations (incl. revised, h.c. outlines)  [more weight on presentations later in the semester] 40%
   Group Discussion Presentation & project submissions [topic disc.]  5%
   Classwork (incl. attendance, participation, homework, Blackboard activities, MindTap activities) Roughly 10 points per item. Target = 300 points 15%
   Online Compilation Quizzes  10% 
   Midterm Exam  15%
   "The Final" (all parts: oral + written)  15%

 i.e. roughly 55% for "oral work"  &  45% for "written" work

 * Department of Communication: Policy on Academic Honesty

* Explanation of my Criteria used for assigning Letter Grades

SHU Disability Statement



Understanding the COURSE CALENDAR - (some guidelines for usage)

~ The Course Calendar Table/Grid below contains the  PRIMARY guidance for navigating the information,  activities & assignments in this course.  Course content itself may be located in a variety of places ( e.g. Blackboard, Communicate!-MindTap, or external links). This course calendar should be used as  the user manual for the course. Because it is a calendar, the units & assignments are listed CHRONOLOGICALLY, in sequential rows--not by category. This enables you to see how the item functions within the context of the units being studied. This online version of this calendar grid will contain links to other locations [such as Blackboard]  which you will need  in order to access certain Activities/Quizzes/Slide Shows/Tutorials. However, please be aware that the professor's  webpage contains your COURSE SYLLABUS + COURSE CALENDAR which are the PRIMARY informational tools for this course.   LOOK THERE FIRST. ~

<A>  Oral Communication is a participatory course, relying on various forms of oral interaction and classroom activities. Any computer applications are used as supplements--NOT replacements of face-to-face learning contexts.  The course calendar below indicates the planned SUBJECT AREAS , SPEAKING ACTIVITIES , ASSIGNMENT TOPICS , & READINGS IN THE TEXT.  Additional items will be added as the semester progresses. Some materials are located directly in the MindTap site but many items are to be found elsewhere.



<B>  Unless otherwise noted, the reading and speaking assignments are listed in the calendar grid in the row for the day that they are DUE.   Read details carefully. Some assignments are to be emailed [+] some are to be submitted in hardcopy  [4];  some are to be used in class via a file created on your computer [:], and some will be completed orally as classwork.  Often,  assignments' details will be clarified in class; however, it is the student's responsibility to anticipate, to note any "posted" updates {done via e-mail or web page}, and to be prepared.



<C>   Basic (Professional) Email Etiquette :   

* Use a relevant subject Line:  The SUBJECT LINE should be appropriate & indicative--otherwise it might be overlooked. [As general professional practice, email is prioritized, opened & answered according  to the  subject line.]   Therefore, any email you send to me should clearly indicate your NAME (not just user ID), your COURSE SECTION, and the  EXACT ASSIGNMENT TITLE (or your reason for emailing.]  
 * Include something in the actual memo: When sending an email with an attachment , you should NEVER leave the body of the email  blank. The body of such an email should mention the content/title of the attached item(s) and the "signature" of the sender. [Similarly, you would never mail a resume without including a  cover letter.]


      --N.B. Occasionally you may encounter software compatibility problems with attachments. Work-around strategies include: (1) save the  document as "HTML" , "RTF" or "text"  before attaching & sending it. (2) For brief items try including the document within the body of the email itself.




  <D> All speaking activities are indicated with a box border. Of these, the MAJOR presentations are indicated by capitals.  Note:  each MAJOR oral presentation will require the submission of:  

(1) a preliminary analysis paper /or/ outline [to the instructor - via email]

(2) a final, revised analysis paper /or/ outline [to the instructor - via a "hard copy"] including bibliography, when required

(3) the use of presentation delivery notes/outline [for the speaker].

<E> The "Presentation Schedule" Procedure:  Slots for the MAJOR presentations are specified  in advance via the online posting of a Presentation Schedule.This schedule will list the assigned dates for speakers, evaluators, and recorder operators/technical assistants.  It will be "published" at least one day before the presentations begin--linked to your course calendar as well as via a shortcut on the Professor's main web page. Whenever possible, a copy also will be posted on the Professor's office door. Consequently, students always are expected to be prepared to speak on their assigned date -- NO EXCEPTIONS.

** Any missed major presentations will default to a DURING-FINALS-WEEK / BRING-YOUR-OWN-AUDIENCE/ APPOINTMENT-ONLY  procedure . Consequently, the opportunity to make up such missed presentations is not guaranteed.** 




<F>  About using Internet source citations:   Grade points will be deducted if bibliographies  are not formatted correctly-i.e. according to a specific style sheet such as APA, MLA, etc.  Such style sheets give specifications for how to handle material you get from hard copy as well as  online sources. However-- at the very least-- when referring to material from an electronic source  be sure to list at least these 4 items: [1] URL, [2] the Title of the particular Webpage you used, [3] the Date that you accessed the page & [4] (if available) the last date that the page itself was updated.   NOTE: A URL BY ITSELF IS INSUFFICIENT & points will be deducted!  It is also recommended that you refer to the guidelines in the College of Communication's Policy on Academic Honesty .



► 1st = week & meeting dates

►  2nd =  item(s) of focus for that day

 ►  3rd =  items  to READ (in textbook or external links)  

►  4th = items to be done IN CLASS (presentations or activities) + items located in MindTap  (assignments & activities & pre-quizzes online or To Be Discussed In Class) 





LS - COURSE CALENDAR [ day-by-day]                    Updates & links will be added as the semester progresses / Stay Tuned!




CHAPTERS/READINGS DUE on specified date


currently lists h.c. book chapters / 

modules/materials to be added week by week
        MT: THROUGHOUT THE SEMESTER: Each chapter begins with a "Voting" segment for Getting Started with the content.  Completing these "Getting Started..." items is always OPTIONAL. However, each one that is submitted will add 2 points to your Classwork points total ; also online submission is helpful for TBDIC & self awareness.

M  8/28

ntro to Course; Interview Session





 W  8/30
begin: Interview Speech (Q)-8/30
Introducte-a-Classmate / : p.17/MT after 1-5a]

MINDTAP REGISTRATION SESSION { w/ Publisher's Representative}
Bring your computer.

 Communication vs Communications vs Oral Communication vs   Effective Oral Communication?  [i.e. Introduction to Comm. Principles & Theory]
Chap. 1 asap   8/30class: Interview Speech - ready for delivery [approx 1 min long] "Introduce a Classmate"- [ p.17 / positioned just ater 1-5a]
[Add/Drop ends 9/5]

Mon - Labor Day


"LS-TV Watching Comments" :  OPTIONAL email submission[+]  Analyzing: Effective & Ineffective TV Communicators  [click for assignment sheet] [Can submit ASAP/  due no later than
Tues 9/5 -5:00pm]    & be sure to use the specified assignment title for your e-mail subject line

- if necessary, complete Interview Speeches

- Slide Show Overview:  Communication  Theory: Principles  & Perspectives

- Overview:
Communication Apprehension (it's a GOOD thing!)

- Overview:
Breathing & Relaxation
Chap 1 asap  "Communication Improvement Plans"  [p.18 / 1-5b]

pp. 310-313 within Ch 15 [PubSpk apprehension] 


Review misc. "Communication Process" overviews archived within Blackboard folder [ see left column]

  optional: Review the PRCA items in the Digital Appendix

MT: TBDIC/ Complete "Communication Skill/Skill Building: Perception Checking" / see pp.38 {15ed}   Nothing to submit. Be prepared to discuss in class, if there is time
Show-&-Tell (Q)  9/11

--  9/11&13: Continue overviews as necessary: Communication Theory/Apprehension-Relaxation

-  9/11&13: In class: Vocal Exercises  & Slide Show: Your Voice & how to use it: Intro to Vocal Effectiveness

Skim Chap 2 [perception]  (see MT in next column) Pay special attention to the segments on "Perception of others &  PERCEPTION CHECKING" (pp. 37-38/MT2.5)

9/11class: Show &Tell talk - ready for delivery [approx. 2 min. long].  Bring a personal audiorecording device 

------------- & -----------

MT: Three items to be viewed/completed prior to 9/11 class: due no later than Noon

>>(1) MT:Chap1/QUIZ - online submission for "Classwork" points:

>>(2) View the Comm Process Tutorial interactive animation model= TBDIC http://pirate.shu.edu/~yatesdan/Tutorial.htm
f nec. copy&paste link into your browser.

>>(3) Chap1: if possible, Several TBDIC items might be  highlighted within the Chapter readings-- via  sticky note highlights

------------- & -----------

abbreviated session:
1-1:45 ( Mass:Holy
Spirit 12-1)
Outside of class:

  1.  Via Blackboard, view the rest of the : Voice" SlideShow. Using a personal recording device, record yourself reading aloud the "Grip-Top-Sock" vocal exercise. ( document linked in in column to the far right)

3.      Complete & email the First General Self Assessment assignment {details are listed & linked  in column to the far right}

pp. 313-323 
within Ch15   {14ed=356-357 & 362-365 /  NOTE - Review all of the delivery tips in Chap 15 each time you prepare for a presentation 


View the Communication Apprehension Slide Show in Blackboard folder. Any personal insights you gained can be applied to your  FGSA email submission-due 9/15.

 items to be viewed/completed prior to 9/13 class: due no later than Noon

>>(1) MT: Chap2/QUIZ = online submission for "Classwork" points

>>(2) Skip ahead to Chap15:{Apprehension} Read 15-1a & b asap.

------------ & -----------

  F9/15email: "LS: My First General Self Assessment" email submission: [+]   including specific reference to your 2 voice recordings:  Show&Tell  & Grip-Top-Sock. Submission Contents = three paragraphs: 1 = evaluation of your current effectiveness as a speaker, and  2 =  your current effectiveness as a listener,  and  3 =  a voice self assessment using the criteria from Chap 15 + any class notes + slide show.  

 If you want, you can also incorporate these as part of FGSA:  {Chap1/"Communication Skills inventory-Questions 1 & 2" or  figure 1.4 in MindTap-Chap. 1{in sect.1-5b or p.19} } .due no later than Fri 9/15 -5:00pm]    & be sure to use the specified assignment title for your e-mail subject line


M   9/18

-Continue Overviews as necessary:  

  - Practicing Perception Checking

 - Your Voice & how to use it: Intro to vocal effectiveness;

 -    Vocal Exercises--{the sounds you make}

    - Maximizing  your vocal & physical technique;

    - Relaxation & channeling apprehension

   - if necessary, Complete Show & Tell talks

 << Oral Interp. presentation preview>>
 to be inserted if  possible: 9/18
Children's story telling-

Chap 15 (deliv)_
9/18prior:MT:  1_item to be viewed/ completed prior to 9/18 class: due no later than Noon

>>MT: Chap15/QUIZ = online submission for "Classwork" points


9/18class: TENTATIVE Prepare for a story telling session  {= be prepared to add  a 1 min. original, impromptu segment to an ongoing, improvised  storytelling exercise to a (hypothetical) 5-yr-old audience} / Bring a flexible voice & a good imagination! You can bring props & use gestures


W  9/20




-  Language Workshop I:  9/20

How Coding is Coding / making meaning through symbols(aka Language); If Koko can do it so can you + Language dynamics in the world around us


Chaps 4 & 14 (Verbal Messages &  Language)


 9/20prior:  Via YouTube, view any 2 clips on Koko { brief overview clip: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SNuZ4OE6vCk} {There are 2 full PBS documentaries: (search for PBS/Nature/2016 or 2016 or best alternative }

-- - - - - - - - -&  THEN      

Consider the dynamics of Verbal Communication. What are at least 2 ways that you (a human) and Koko (a gorilla) are similar in the use of  language/ verbal  communication.


- - - - - - - - - & THEN      

  9/20prior:Forum Posting:  [+]  "Lessons from Koko"  Post your 1-2 item response to the designated online Forum Available via Forum folder in Blackboard only . [due by 9/20/17-noon] available 9/17-9/20]  Post your items to the DISCUSSION FORUM document in Blackboard. Also look over what your classmates have written. ( "Lessons from Koko").

- - - - - - - - - & - - - - - - - - -      


  9/20class: Bring in example clippings {h.c. or Internet}of your  specifically assigned Language item: "Language Workshop Assignment" page to be updated  [click link for assignment sheet] You MUST know the  contextual &  placement  info. for the selection you bring in

special due dates


F9/22email Get a head start on this email submission: "LS- Oral Interp. Preliminary Analysis" [+]: Submit a preliminary Analysis Paper for your upcoming O/I presentation {specifications  are listed in this linked document: Oral Interp Presentation Assignment Sheet    [ due no later than  Fri, 9/22 -5:00pm]    

& be sure to use the specific assignment title for your e-mail subject line


- - - - - - - - - & - - - - - - - - -   


Professor's Compilation Online Quiz1 /accessible via Blackboard "Quizzes/Tests" folder / deadline = Sat 9/23  / available = 9/19 - 9/23{11:59}


M   9/25

-Language Workshop II Using audience-centered language  &/or  Language-as-culture   

Skim Chap 3  &
review "Diverse Voices within Chap4

9/25prior: MT:
Two  items to be completed prior to 9/25 class: due no later than( n.l.t.) Noon

(1)  MT:
Chap4/QUIZ = online submission for "Classwork" points

>>(2)  MT: Chap14/QUIZ = online submission for "Classwork" points

- - - - - - - - - & - - - - - - - - -   

9/25class: Bring in Laptops for in-class activities: "Targeting your Audience & Tailoring your Language: strategies for eloquence & appropriateness".  
(see MT above)

 - - - - - - - - - & - - - - - - - - -

see: Oral Interp. Presentation Schedule page to be finalized n.l.t 9/25-11:30pm(_________)

W  9/27
  MAJOR PRESENTATION #1{Oral Interp} making the written word speak [manuscript rdg]  9/27 
  9/27class: [4] Prepare your O.I. presentation & Analysis Paper-ready for delivery & submission / according to assigned specifications [see assignment sheet linked at left]

   - - - - - - - - - & - - - - - - - - -

>>> Bring:   personal recording device 

   - - - - - - - - - & - - - - - - - - -

 >>> Review general rehearsal tips: pp. 323-329 [15ed] & apply all relevant presentation guidelines for "scripted" presentations]



special due date     -
Professor's Compilation Online Quiz2 /accessible via Blackboard "Quizzes/Tests" folder / deadline =10/7  / available  = 10/4late-10/8{11:59} {originally: 10/3-10/7}

M   10/2

MAJOR PRESENTATION #1cont   {   "   "   }   10/2  
    - begin Slide Show Preview: "Organizing Oral Messages" (Incl.: Choosing & Limiting Topics  //  Basic Speech Org)    

- if necessary, Complete Language Workshop
  see column 4  -  9/27
W   10/4 -
"Organizing Oral Messages ;  (Incl. Styles  & Techniques of Delivery , "Instant Composite Speeches")  
 - - - - - - - - - & - - - - - - - -
Chapters 11 & 12,  if time skim pp.292-4 [15ed]"OralStyle}--- within Chap14.
{14 e =332-3


10/4class: [:]Brainstorming prep. - via computer but for classroom use. Complete: Brainstorm/ Concept Map for Topics:1-a.b.c.   & bring to class} { this item is within the chapter itself as well as in the "PREPARE your Informative Speech:" folder in Chapter 16  }

[In hard copy versions = Chap 11/Action Step 1.a on bottom  of p.218 {14 e = p250} ] [ In MT  also = Action Step 1.A]


 NOTE: Despite textbook's directions, you actually only need to devise at least 4 items per each of the 3 columns] 

* be sure document is saved on your local drive.


- - - - - - - - - & - - - - - - - -  

10/4prior: MT:  1 item to be viewed/completed prior to 10/4 class: due no later than Noon

 >>(1) MT: Chap11/QUIZ  online submission for "Classwork" points:  




Mon - Clmbs Day
     Mon = Fall Break-no classes
  10/11class  {Chap16: Refer to the guidelines in  "Prepare your Informative Speech Outline".}  Your preliminary outline-in-progress will be evaluated during in-class workshop on 10/11. Specific Due date & submission details are  tbd based on  workshop's ongoing  progress.
W  10/11 -
Org. Workshop, cont:
 "Organizing Oral Messages";  (Incl. Styles  & Techniques of Delivery , "Instant Composite Speeches") 

- - - - - - - - & - - - - - - - - 

- Intro. to  Informative  Speaking:  Formats & Techniques 

- - - - - - - - & - - - - - - - - 

if time, Review of standard outlining technique

Chapters 14 & 16; review Chap 12

NB:  Within Chap12,  several items are recommended for review  as " how-to" guidelines for your own use.

10/11prior: MT: _3_items to be viewed/completed prior to 10/11 class: due no later than Noon

>> (1) MT: Chap12/QUIZ online submission for "Classwork" points

(2) MT: Chap16/QUIZ online submission for "Classwork" points

(3) MT: For TBDIC:  See Chap16 items: "VOTE" & View & review questions for linked video speech   ["Understanding Hurricanes"]. Link should be visible in the "Unit View" 

[:] via computer - but for classroom use:  your "Outline-In-Progress" : For today, you should have your revised thesis statement completed & ready for review

- - - - - - - - - & - - - - - - - -  

10/13email submission:  [+]"LS- Preliminary Informative Outline" .  
 This submission is ONLY for people whose prelim. outline did not receive the Professor's initials during the in-class workshop. If it didn't, then submit a prelim. presentation outline accd'g to the Informative Presentation assignment sheet  [click link for assignment sheet]  [due asap but  no later than Fri. 10/13 by 5:00pm] 

& be sure to use the specific title for your e-mail subject line

      ►►also see:  Informative Speech Presentation Schedule page  to be finalized n.l.t. 10/14

M   10/16 -
MAJOR PRESENTATION #2 {Informative} [extemporaneous] 10/16

several items (recommended, but optional) are listed on the Informative Speech Assignment page [ linked to the left] . For example, it is HIGHLY recommended you make use of the step-by-step templates within the Chapter 16 folder entitled "Your Informative Speech"
10/16class:[4] 4-5 min. Extemp. Presentation (via notes) & Outline ready for delivery &  submission acc'dg to assigned specifications [see link at left]. (also review Chaps 11 through 16 Bring personal audiorecording device 

W  10/18
W 10/18 = no in-class mtg / timed online Midterm test items.

2-3 Mindtap early items will be accessible: (probably) 10/17 - 10/20
EXAMINATION itself will be accessible: (probably) 10/18[12pm] to 6:00pm_

-TENTATIVE: If possible, Groups can work indepedently
  10/18 email&MT:  online midterm items to access & work on in advance. Links to be updated
special due date    

EXTRA CREDIT:  THEATER-IN-THE-ROUND/SHU Theater: "As You Like It"  by Shakespeare: in the Theatre-in-the-Round on Oct. 19, 20, 21 at 8 p.m. and Oct. 22, at 2 p.m.


Extra credit, follow-up email submission: after attending the play, submit a 1/2 - 1 page  commentary evaluating the "Communicator COMPETENCE skills " [as we have defined the term in this class] that are present (or needed). You are not reviewing the performance of the actor or actress, you are evaluating a character's behavior (your choice). Due within one week


M   10/23

MAJOR PRESENTATION #2     {  "   "  } 10/23
email: [+] "LS-Speech Self Critique#1"
  Submit as an email submission:  Self Critique on Informative Pres   (2 paragraphs) [click link for assignment sheet]  [due no later than one week after presentation]   & be sure to use the specific title for your e-mail subject line
W  10/25 -

10/25 Intro. to Listening  - (via Listening Test);(Steps in the process) (if time, exercises in skills building) 

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


- if time: TALES FROM THE CONFERENCE: Tips on Business & Professional Communication


 Chapter 6  

MT:  1_items to be viewed/completed prior to 10/25 class: due no later than Noon

>> MT: Chap6/Interactive Video Activity[Damien&Chris] online submission for "Classwork" points

>>TENTATIVE MT:QUIZ online submission for "Classwork" points  TBD
special due date     email : [+]"LS-Our Group's Two Lists" = email submission of a document containing your group's 5 "Codes-of-Conduct" and your 4 brainstormed, potential topics. [Due by  Sun 10/29 - 9pm ]
wk10 M   10/30

10/30- Listening - part II  (via Listening Quiz) (discuss worst habits



Listening - part III (Critical Listening, Interactive Listening activities)page to be updated


 if time, continue: Working-in-Groups Unit

Chapters 6 & 7 & 8  & skim 9 

10/30prior: MT: 2_items to be viewed/completed prior to 10/30 class: due no later than Noon

>> (1) MT: Chapter QUIZ --either 7 OR 8--your choice; online submission for "Classwork" points
(2) MT:
Chapter QUIZ8-Interactive Video Activity [Jan&Ken] View VIDEOclip & submit online analysis for video:

- - - - - - - - - & - - - - - - - -  

Be familiar with your role in today's Interactive Listening activity  (the Art of the Paraphrase}  procedure [click link for assignment sheet] page to be updated
W  11/1= abbreviated session:
12:30-1:00 (All Saints' Day Mass:

- Slide Show Overview: "Communicating Face-to-Face"  &  "The Least you should know about Interpersonal Communication"  (Intro to Interpersonal & Group Communication);Self Disclosure; Interpersonal Comm. Dynamics 


- - - - - - - - - & - - - - - - -


if  time: Intro to Group Comm.; Types of Group Discussions/ Presentations 


  - - - - & - - - - - - -

Outside of class:  

  1.  Carefully read the LS GROUP PRESENTATION ACTIVITIES  document. Printing out & highlighting are recommended [click link for assignment sheet]  ongoing updates

2.to be assigned earlier, if poss.  Each group should conduct a FACE-TO-FACE meeting to accomplish 2 tasks: create a list of codes-of-conduct ( at least 5 items) + a list of potential presentation topics ( at least 4). Email these lists to your professor no later than Sun 10/29/17- 9pm


Chapters 9 & 10 {also 14ed}; Skim Chap 17 for the basics about Persuasion {also 14ed )
MT: _____items to be viewed/ completed prior to 11/1 class: due no later than Noon
>> (1) MT: Chapter QUIZ --either 9 OR 10--your choice;  online submission for "Classwork" points

- - - - - - - - - & - - - - - - - - -

Also be sure to re-read : the LS GROUP PRESENTATION ACTIVITIES  [click link for assignment sheet] 

 - - - - - - - - - & - - - - - - - - -
tentative: 4Johari window activity  

       ►►also see: "The Combo" Presentation Schedule-   page  to be finalized n.l.t. 10/22

M   11/6 
"Split session" -  sign in first
MAJOR PRESENTATION #3 {"Combo"}[manu + extemp]  1's = 11/6 
PLUS  Groups-meet-&-plan: prepare  preliminary Agenda/Outline  -due via email ASAP-no later than Weds. 11/8- 5:00 pm Also, you can email me your questions/problems & I will try to reply before your next group meeting

11/6class:][4] 3 min. Combination Presentation & Outline -  ready for delivery & submission. [see link at left for detailed assignment sheet.  Refer to all applicable chapters 

   - - - - - - &- - - - - - - 
 Recommended: bring your personal recording device as backup
     - - - - - - &- - - - - - - 


W  11/8
-"Split session" -  sign in first
MAJOR PRESENTATION #3  {"Combo"} [manu + extemp]  3's =11/8
PLUS  Groups-meet-&-plan: prepare  preliminary Agenda/Outline  -due via email ASAP-no later than Weds. 11/8- 5:00 pm Also, you can email me your questions/problems & I will try to reply before your next group meeting


email submission:[+] "LS-Video Self Critique"   [due no later than one week after your presentation Complete the Video Self Critique  based on Pres. #3 . [click link for assignment sheet/template]  This form is linked here as well as via a shortcut on the main webpage. Use the copy & paste function to create your document for completion.  
  & be sure to use the specific assignment title for your email subject line           

       - - - - - - - - - & - - - - - - - - -

  11/8 email [+]"LS-Grp(#__) - Preliminary Agenda/Outline document -ONE A/O per group. [click link for worksheet template] Use the copy & paste function to create your document. Due asap/no later than Weds 11/8-5:00pm/ This group presentation planner  should also include <1> current bibliography / <2> plans for "visual" aids / <3> plans for physical setup.  & be sure to use the specific assignment title for your email subject line     

      Also be sure to read in advance: the LS GROUP PRESENTATION ACTIVITIES  for this semester's names and dates [click link for assignment sheet] ongoing updates

M   11/13

"Split session" -  sign in first
[manu + extemp]           4's= 11/13
PLUS (Grps-meet-&-finalize plans)   Also, you can email me your questions/problems & I will try to reply before your next group meeting

asap carefully read Chapters 17 [pers]

- - - - - - - - - & - - - - - - -

ALSO view Slide Show: "The Art of Persuasion" accessible via folder in 

   n.l.t.11/27:email [+]: Begin reserving Topics for Persuasive Presentations --click for list of sample topics Submit your request via email  (see MT: "PREPARE your Persuasive Speech Outline for guidelines on how to select a suitable topic.)
W  11/15  --

- Groups meet as necessary. Finalize presentation details & sequencing & conduct a "dry run"


- Overview: the Art of Persuasion in Oral Comm.



- Overview:-Studying Nonverbal Communication the Experiential Way



<<Continue reserving Topics for Persuasive Presentations - via email and/or your  PPSAP submission>>


<Preview Panel Presentation formats>



 review Chapters 9 &
&"The Art of Persuasion" slide show

  - - - - - - - - - & - - - - - - - - -

► 11/15prior:
 MT: _view 2 Videos "Recognizing Nonverbal Cues"  & "Teamwork: Bill's Bad Attitude"
SUBMIT your answer as follows [ also  be prepared for TBDIC] : 
 GROUP1 members = Recognizing NV Cues >> first question
GROUP2 members = Recognizing NV Cues>> second question
GROUP3 members = Recognizing NV Cues >> third question
 GROUP4  members = Teamwork: Bill's Bad Attitude>>second question

___TBD/e.c.____ "video #3: "The Audience Speaks" >> either question
special due dates    

-- Get a head start on these two items:

--observational research NV experiment{oral reports ready for delivery on Mon 11/27

      - - - - - - - - - & - - - - - - - - -

email submission:[+] "LS-PPSAP"   Prepare & submit your  Preliminary Persuasive Speech Adaptation Plan [a.k.a Adaptation Plan]   [due by Sun  11/26 -4:00pm--but absolutely no later than 11/28 ]    (earlier submission is GREATLY recommended)     (click for more information. Note: This is NOT the same as a speech outline)
Use p.435 ( variations exist in other editions). Complete bulleted items 1-5 within the "Sample Speech Plan and Outline" section
& be sure to use the specific assignment title for your e-mail subject line   

 - - - - - - - - - & - - - - - - - - -
Professor's Compilation Online Quiz3 /accessible via Blackboard "Quizzes/Tests" folder / deadline = F 24  / available  = 11/21-11/25 {11:59} TO RESCHEDULED TO NEXT WEEK


M   11/20 &
GROUP PRESENTATIONS ongoing updates (all 4) 11/20


 Weds = Thanksgiving Break
READ asap:
 - - - - - - - - & - - - - - - - - -
special due dates -
[ Click  for a list of topics that are already taken: ]
Persuasive Topic Signup ongoing updates /incl past topics list

reminder: LS-PPSAP  DUE  11/26 but no later than Tues 11/28: [LS-PPSAP] via e-mail:  Prepare & submit your  Preliminary Persuasive Speech Adaptation  Plan [click link for details] earlier submission recommended

WB01626_.gif (272 bytes)EXTRA CREDIT:[+"LS - Group Reaction Journal"    ( see the Group Disc/Pres assignment page clink link  for details )   {e-mail ASAP no later than Weds 12/6 at  5:00pm}   


M   11/27
- Slide Show & Workshop: Nonverbal Communication & Skills                                                            (Via your experiments'  results) {"the 'silent language' that everyone listens to}  

Chapter 5 [nv]
11/27prior: MT: one item to be viewed/ completed prior to 11/27 class: due no later than Noon
>> (1) MT: Chapter5 QUIZ online submission for "Classwork" points

- - - - - - - - - & - - - - - - - - -

11/27class: Results of  NV experiments- 
Be prepared  for your mini-presentation on your  experiments results - 2 minutes per person) 
W  11/29 -
 - if necessary, Continue debrief of experimental findings: Nonverbal Communication
Review Persuasion1 via Persuasion Immersion: Influencing Others through words & strategy (Gallery of Ads)

if time, Persuasion2 cont. via Language Workshop III: Language  as LOGOS+ETHOS+PATHOS & Persuasion in Action


re-review Chapter 17
11/29prior:MT:  two items to be viewed/ completed prior to 11/29 class: due no later than Noon
>> (1) MT: Chapter17 QUIZ online submission for "Classwork" points

(2) MT: View VIDEOclip & submit online analysis for video: (Ch17:"
Cyberbullying" / any two questions


11/29class:Bring in a "Persuasive Ad"
{h.c. or via Internet}. Detaiils to be given in class
      F12/1 email:WB01626_.gif (272 bytes)EXTRA CREDIT:  [+] "LS-Chap 17 Outline": email submission: outline Ch 17  {via e-mail  due by Fri  12/1- 5:00pm} & be sure to use the specific assignment title for your e-mail subject line

Professor's Compilation Online Quiz3 /accessible via Blackboard "Quizzes/Tests" folder / deadline = 12/4  / available  = 11/30 - 12/4 (11:59) { Orig:11/21-11/25}


see: Persuasive Presentation Schedule-
page to be finalized by 12/1-pm

M   12/4 


MAJOR PRESENTATION #4   {Persuasive} page 90% updated[Extemporaneous](6-7spkrs)

  12/4class:][4] _t.b.d._min. Persuasive Presentation & Outline - ready for delivery & submission.  Review all Chapters to prepare this extemporaneous, tbd minute presentation w/ a [hardcopy] outline & notes

W  12/6 -
MAJOR PRESENTATION #4 {" " } (_6-7_) 

[WB01626_.gif (272 bytes)
EXTRA CREDIT> [[+]"LS-Final  [cumulative] Self Critique"[click link for assignment sheet]  via  e-mail -  due  12/16 by 5:00pm} If you have not yet (or have only just) done your final presentation, you should arrange for another submission date with your professor & be sure to use the specific title for your e-mail subject line

      [WB01626_.gif (272 bytes) EXTRA CREDIT>THEATER-IN-THE-ROUND/SHU Theatre - last performances this semester! Christmas Cabaret   Theatre-in-the-Round: December 7-9 at 8 p.m. and December 10 at 2 p.m.

follow up submission = 1 emailed  page in which you discuss how the revue's performers communicated via NONVERBAL channels ( especially clothing & appearance -- to each other & to the audience -- about who they were & what they were thinking. DUE by TND ( tent: 2/16) 

M   12/11  --
MAJOR PRESENTATION #4 {" " } (_6-7_)  12/11
classes end 12/11 = last day of classes    
Professor's Compilation Online Quiz4 /OPTIONAL / accessible via Blackboard "Test" folder / deadline = Sat 12/16  / available  = TBA11:59} DOUBTFUL FOR THIS SEMESTER
Exam Session = F12/15 @ 12:20-2:20      in  the usual classroom FINAL EXAM SESSION   see information sheet for "The Final"

   (Q)  = a short, less formal talk--usually prepared in advance,  but no submitted outline is required 
 TBDIC - "To Be Discussed In Class". No separate points assigned

MT:  = an item located within the MINDTAP learning system--accessible through link in Blackboard folder

   [4= a written assignment, w/ Printed, HARDCOPY  to be submitted  in class on that date. Also symbolized as h.c.

  [: ]   = a written assignment --prepared on advance & brought to class as a file on your Laptop to be used in an in-class activity 

   [ +] = a written assignment to be E-MAILED  with the specified subject line  by the indicated date  & time

 ****** printed-out, completed-in-ADVANCE questions for exam. Hardcopy to be submitted in class on exam day, as part of the total exam. additional updates possible through 12/13/17



PRELIM. (i.e.ongoing updates)
Class Session Due Item to be written & submitted [ in class &/or online] last updated 8//19 ( Most of MindTap videos/activities still pending)
throughout: optional Getting Started VOTE at beginning of each Chapter
asap  See Digital Appendix.  Complete PRCA-24 for 5 extra-credit points
8/30 Interview Speech  (class)
9/5 - e.c. "TV-Watching Comments" (email)
9/11:noon  MindTap quiz Chap1 (MT/online)
9/11 notes for delivering Show & Tell talk (class)
 9/13:noon: MindTap quiz Chap 2 (MT/online)
9/15 "My First General Self Assessment" (email)
9/18:noon MindTap quiz Chap15 (MT/online)
9/18-TENT ideas for Story Telling (class)
 9/20:noon  posting: Lessons from Koko (Blackboard-Forum/online)
9/20 Clipping for Language Workshop (class)
9/22 Oral Interp Presentation's "ORAL INTERP PRELIM. ANALYSIS" PAPER(eml)
9/23: Professor's Compilation Checkup Quiz 1 (Blackboard/online)
 9/25:noon MindTap quiz Chap4 (MT/online)
9/25:noon MindTap quiz Chap14 (MT/online)
9/27 h.c.Anal. Paper&notes for delivering your Oral Interp presentation (class)
10/4noon: MindTap quiz Chap11 (MT/online)
10/4 Topic Brainstorming three(3)column prep.  (class)
10/7: Professor's Compilation Checkup Quiz 2 (Blackboard/online)
10/11:noon MindTap quiz Chap12 (MT/online)
10/11:noon MindTap quiz Chap16 (MT/online)
10/11 Brainstorming (Informative) Outline-in-Progress (class)
10/13TENT Informative Presentation's "PRELIM. INFORMATIVE OUTLINE" {if not already initialed by Professor in class"} (email)
10/16 h.c. Outline & notes for delivering your Informative presentation (class)
10/18-19 Midterm Exam items  (MT/online) &  (Blackboard/online)
(10/29:e.c.) SHU Theater paper (email)
10/23-30 " Self Critique #1"  on Informative Presentation (email/1 week window)
10/25:noon MindTap quiz Chap5 (MT/online)
10/?? "Our Group's Two Lists"(email) {1 submission per grp}
10/30:noon MindTap quiz Chap7 or 8 (MT/online)
10/30:noon MindTap View & Respond:  Chap6 VIDEOclip (MT/online)
11/1:noon MindTap quiz Chap9 or 10 (MT/online)
11/6 h.c.Outline & notes for delivering your  Combo presentation (class)
11/8 "Groups' Preliminary Agenda/Outline" (email) {1 submission per grp}
11/13-22 "Video Self Critique" on Combo presentation (email/1 week window)
11/13-26 Persuasive Topic Choice Request (email)
12/4 [orig=11/25] Professor's Compilation Checkup Quiz 3 (Blackboard/online)
11/26 "PPSAP"  Speech Adaptation Plan (email)
11/27:noon MindTap quiz Chap5 (MT/online)
11/27 Nonverbal Experiments Results: oral reports  (class)
11/29:noon MindTap quiz Chap17 (MT/online)
11/29 "Persuasive" Ad- incl. context info! (class)
12/1e.c. Outline of Chaper 17 (email)
12/4 h.c.Outline & notes for delivering  your Persuasive  presentation (class)
12/6:e.c.  "Reaction Journal" on Group Project Experiences  (email)
12/16 "Final" Cumulative self critique (email/1 week window)
(12/16:e.c.) SHU Theater paper (email)
12/16TENT Professor's "Last Chance" Compilation Quiz (#4) (Blackboard/online)
     Show & Tell {Q}  (due____________)
     Story Telling {Q} (due____________)
'    Oral Interpretation/Corner Office * (due____________)
     Informative Speech * (due____________)
     Combo Presentation *  (due____________)
     Group Presentation  *(due____________)
     Persuasive Presentation *  (due____________)




 Midterm  Exam Information Sheet -

Exam to be done out-of-class /  submitted via Blackboard & MindTap-- including these multi-step questions below that require extra time & an advance start--you will need to work on them earlier than the actual test day(s) of 10/18. 


 *    I.   Chap 3 "QUIZ"  Submit directly through MindTap { available 10/17 @1:00am-through-10/20 @5:00pm

 *   II.   Chap 13: "QUIZ"  Submit directly through MindTap { available 10/17 @1:00am-through-10/20 @5:00pm }

*    III.   "Sneak Peek" -  Review the transcript & video of the narrative Speech "Ice Cream Assassin." (12 minute clip)  currently posted in MindTap in folder entitled: "Videos to view for the Midterm1 items collapsed activate to expand" . At least _2-3__ questions on the Blackboard posted exam will pertain to this videoclip.

*    IV.       "Sneak Peek" Speech Evaluation : Review the transcript & video of the informative Speech "The Role of Sports in Society"  (4 minute clip)-- currently posted in MindTap in folder entitled: "Videos to view for the Midterm1 items collapsed activate to expand" . At least _2-3__ questions on the Blackboard posted exam will pertain to this videoclip.

V.  - Create 3 hypothetical examples of Citations ["Oral Footnotes"] - see  descriptions & examples on  p.237-fig11.8 (14ed=p.272)  / MindTap = Figure 11.8 {located within the chapter} Submit as part of Exam to be  posted in  Blackboard 



See the Exam Preview page  linked above for other details about the Midterm



In a little more than one week, each group must submit their "Two Lists". You may want to use get a head start on this process today.

. Each group should conduct a FACE-TO-FACE meeting to accomplish 2 tasks: create a list of codes-of-conduct ( at least 5 items) + a list of potential presentation topics ( at least 4).

TENTATIVE: Email these lists to your professor no later than Sun 10/30/16- 9pm

















































 (c) 2017/ Verderber 15th ed.  [where possible, also includes notations for 14th ed.]
 last updated 12/7/17

F'17 Course Link URL: https://studentdashboard.cengagebrain.com/#/course-confirmation/MTPNFLRPFT56/initial-course-confirmation
Course Link Instructions: Print instructions
Course Key: MTPN-FLRP-FT56


WB01626_.gif (272 bytes)  SETON HALL THEATRE

Admission is always free to Seton Hall Theatre productions.
The Theatre-in-the-Round in on campus, located in the Student Center. The South Orange Performing Arts Center (SOPAC) is located downtown at One SOPAC Way, South Orange, NJ 07079. For more information on SOPAC, visit www.sopacnow.org  

2017 – 2018 Season

William Shakespeare's As You Like It 

William Shakespeare's As You Like It production Fall 2017. A pastoral gem of poetry and comedy in which two young maidens are banished and escape into the woods to find a new life and true love. One of Shakespeare’s great romantic stories set in the woods of Arden, populated by shepherds, bandits, and fools seeking a simpler life.

Performed in the Theatre-in-the-Round, October 2017: 19th-21st at 8 p.m., October 22 at 2 p.m.

A Christmas Cabaret

College of Communication and the Arts' Fall 2017 production for Christmas Cabaret. The Hall presents an evening of songs and comedic skits to celebrate the holiday season.

Performed in the Theatre-in-the-Round, December 2017:  7th-9th at 8 p.m. and December 10th at 2 p.m. 

FYI for the future:

Steel Magnolias
February2018:  22, 23, 24 at 8 p.m.
February2018:  25 at 2 p.m.

South Orange Performing Arts Center

Ernest In Love
April2018:  19, 20, 21 at 8 p.m.
April2018:  22 at 2 p.m.

South Orange Performing Arts Center

See full production schedule »





























BELOW = tentative items below to be finalized &  integrated where possible


extra credit:VIII  to be moved to a free standing spot   :  Follow the listed directions 

  A= "Controlling Nervousness"-  p.340 (14ed=p384)   {in  MndTap  = Chap15 "Applying what you've learned: ASSESSMENT ACTIVITIES"-- ques 2 Submit as part of Blackboard Exam  


Chap11: "Applying what you've Learned"  ASSESSMENT ACTIVITIES: p.240-241  / MindTap = {located at end of Chapter's  Reflection & Assessment}Select  question 2 or 3 or 4. Submit as part of Exam to be  posted in  Blackboard {


Chap 4: "Applying what you've Learned": SKILL-BUILDING ACTIVITIES  p.79  / MindTap = {located at end of Chapter's  Reflection & Assessment}Complete any 3 of the sentences in #1 AND any 3 sentences  in #2.   Submit as part of Exam to be  posted in  Blackboard {


If time:Persuasion, cont  via: Language Workshop III  Language as  LOGOS+ETHOS+PATHOS or Persuasion in Action

Article + Commentary mini speech (Q)


Index card Impromptus (Q)

Transition Workshop/ Organization Order Workshop; [: ] bring your computer*
* be sure your laptop battery is charged & that you have your network cable.

Conversion Workshop;  [: ] AND bring your laptops with the "practice document" that  I have recently e-mailed to you. You will be editing this document in class- as well as completing other speech organization activities 

 "Test your Competence..." via p.134[11e]: Evaluating Inferences


Skillbuilding - 14e p.130-1 {13e = p.95}- Questions & Paraphrases- Complete # b-e starts on bottom of page

Language Dynamics in Action: In  Sept. 2014, Vice President Biden made a speech that included a particular term in reference to money lenders. In one well-organized  paragraph, match this event (&/or the reaction it received) to at least two(2) of the Language categories we covered in class. Support your choices.

Select either A or B:  Follow the listed directions    A= "Controlling Nervousness"-  p.384    /or /         B="Evaluating Speaker's voice and.. p.385

WB01395_.gif (262 bytes)

F'17 Course Link URL: https://studentdashboard.cengagebrain.com/#/course-confirmation/MTPNFLRPFT56/initial-course-confirmation
Course Link Instructions: Print instructions
Course Key: MTPN-FLRP-FT56