This is a copy of a group email that I sometimes use. It contains several items that might be helpful to you as you prepare for your Persuasive Presentation:



Dear COST1600:

   Soon, I will be responding to your individual PPSAP s ( which are due a.s.a.p. / see dates specified in your course  calendar)  but I've noticed a few things during the topic sign-up  that apply to many of you,  so this group email should  save time and will be useful to all of you,  including those  people who have yet to submit their topic--


1. Unless you receive an email stating otherwise, all general topics submitted are considered accepted & on reserve for the listed speaker.

 2.    I've noticed, many people phrased their initial topics as informative titles -- rather than as a persuasive proposition which asserts a goal for influencing the listeners' attitudes. thoughts, or behaviors.  For example, the word "why" should be avoided in the title and the thesis statement.  As a persuader you will need to analyze your listeners' awareness & attitudes toward your chosen topic. Try conducting a brief poll of your classmates (e.g. via Blackboard). That will help you assess whether your speech's goal should be to:

 >>reinforce existing beliefs,      or

 >>>change  minds,                   or   

 >>>>induce the listener to take some specific action.

  Once you decide which one of these 3 basic persuasive goals you want to accomplish with your speech, phrase your thesis statement so that the goal/perspective is explicitly clear.


Here are some examples of PERSUASIVE PROPOSITIONS [ aka thesis statements]: 

        *  "In order to be better prepared for their professional lives, I propose that all SHU students should be required to take at least three courses in communication."     [Policy]

      *   "Because of the health benefits that pets provide, everyone should have one."       [Policy]

       *   " Despite the prominent publicity and testimonials surrounding super energy drinks, they actually are bad for you."      [value]

        *   "New York City provides more opportunities for a fun winter vacation than locations such as Colorado or Vancouver which promote traditional, snowy activities ."    [Fact]


After devising your Thesis Statement [a.k.a. Proposition], you then construct your speech in order to PROVE the assertion that has been  made in the Thesis Statement-- using concrete evidence & reasoning).  Don't think of it as "information".


3. The PPSAP  homework assignment is designed to help you strategize how to prove your assertion to your particular audience's interests and needs in our classroom context. That is why the PPSAP  is a strategy plan, not a preliminary, extemporaneous outline. Most of you already have demonstrated that you know how to do an outline. This time, I need to see that you know how to strategize a persuasive "argument" to a target audience.

NB: The earlier you email your PPSAP (adaptation plan), the more likely you will receive a timely & specific response. I will make every effort to respond to your email prior to your speech presentation date. Keep working on your speech while you are awaiting my response. 



4. Be sure that your topic is something that you believe in and can talk about with energy and enthusiasm.  AVOID  "AUTOMATIC PILOT" DELIVERY  /or/  speaking "at" us rather than "to" us!  Speakers with rapport are more likely to succeed at persuading.


5.   Be sure to refer to Chapter 17 in your textbook and to the Persuasion Slide Show (located within Blackboard). You are aiming for a strategic mix of personal believability, audience-centered evidence, and touching on the needs, desires, and emotions of your listeners. It's a challenge-- but you are ready for it!






updated Nov. 2016