Package lejos.nxt

Access to NXT sensors, motors, etc.


Interface Summary
ADSensorPort An abstraction for a port that supports Analog/Digital sensors.
BasicMotorPort An abstraction for a motor port that supports RCX type motors, but not NXT motors with tachometers.
BasicSensorPort An abstraction for a sensor port that supports setting and retrieving types and modes of sensors.
ButtonListener Abstraction for receiver of button events.
I2CPort Abstraction for a port that supports I2C sensors.
LegacySensorPort Abstraction for a port that supports legacy RCX sensors.
ListenerCaller Interface for calling calling lejos listeners.
SensorConstants Constants used to set Sensor types and modes.
SensorPortListener Interface for monitoring changes to the value for an Analogue/Digital sensor (such as a Touch, Light or Sound sensor) on a SensorPort.
Tachometer Abstraction for the tachometer built into NXT motors.
TachoMotorPort Abstraction for a motor port that supports NXT motors with tachometers.

Class Summary
BasicMotor An abstraction for a motor without a tachometer, such as an RCX motor.
Battery Provides access to Battery.
Button Abstraction for an NXT button.
Flash Read and write access to flash memory in pages.
I2CSensor Abstract class that implements common methods for all I2C sensors.
LCD Text and graphics output to the LCD display.
LCDOutputStream A simple output stream that implements console output.
LightSensor Abstraction for a NXT light sensor.
Motor Abstraction for a NXT motor.
MotorPort Abstraction for a NXT output port.
NXT Abstraction for the local NXT Device.
Poll Provides blocking access to events from the NXT.
SensorPort Abstraction for a NXT input port.
Settings leJOS NXJ persistent settings.
Sound NXT sound routines.
SoundSensor Abstraction for a NXT sound sensor.
SystemSettings This class is designed for use by other lejos classes to read persistent settings.
TextMenu Displays a list of items.
TouchSensor Abstraction for a NXT touch sensor.
UltrasonicSensor Abstraction for a NXT Ultrasonic Sensor.

Error Summary

Package lejos.nxt Description

Access to NXT sensors, motors, etc.