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CSAS 4082: Intro to Robotics

Students, Teams, and Robots

Here is a list of registered students. Each student has an NXT kit, named as indicated. You can watch a video where the students introduce themselves and their robots by clicking here.


  1. Bulle, Keith (NXT #?, name: Hoffa)
  2. Decumber, Peter (NXT #8, name: Virgil)
  3. Ellerbe, Dorian (NXT #6, name: DOE2)
  4. Emery, Sam (NXT #1, name: IG-88)
  5. Houck, Michelle (NXT #2, name: Spunky)
  6. Kurp, Timothy (NXT #9, name: Robobot)
  7. Lipovsky, Kevin (NXT name: TBA)
  8. Murch, Jennifer (NXT #12, name: Hal2)
  9. Satkiewicz, Paul  (NXT #4, name: Bull)
  10. Smith, Sarah (NXT #3, name: sea3peaO)
  11. Tick, Jonathan (NXT #7, name: JAVAnoid)

The students were teamed up in pairs (and one triplet) like this:

  • Team A: Sarah Smith, Michelle Houck, and Sam Emery
  • Team B: Jennifer Murch and Jonathan Tick
  • Team C: Paul Satkiewicz and Timothy Kurp
  • Team D: Keith Bulle and Dorian Ellerbe
  • Team E: Peter Decumber and Kevin Lipovsky
