- Annual Editions 04/05 Child Growth and Development
Junn, Ellen N. Chris J. Boyatzis (Eds.), McGraw Hill/Dushkin (2004)
- Theories of Childhood: an Introduction to Dewey, Montessori, Erikson,
Piaget and Vygotsky. Mooney, Carol G. Redleaf Press (2000)
- Observing Children and Adolescents (Student Workbook with CD’s)
Swartwood, Michie O. and Kathy Trotter. Thomson/Wadsworth (2004)
- A Child Called “It” Pelzer, David. Health Communications,
Inc. (1993)
Bibliography and Websites:
- Professor will provide students (handout) with more than 30 relevant
websites and recommended books for further reading and research.
Demonstration Videos, Films:
- Developmental Theory of Piaget (narrated by David Elkind)
- Using What We Know: Applying Piaget’s Principles (narrated
by David Elkind)
- Child’s Play and the Real World.
- Montessori
- The Truth About Teachers
- Emotional Intelligence
- Selected film about a child with special needs
- Selected feature films for independent viewing and written reactions