• To learn developmental stages (cognitive, social, play, art,
moral and language) from observation of children/adolescents and other
Student will demonstrate that she/he is able to apply techniques
of child study in terms of stages of art, cognitive, play, social,
moral and language development; understanding of stage theories
• To understand the social/cultural milieu of childhood and adolescence
Student will examine social influences and issues such as effects
of single parenthood, divorce, television, and media, pressures for
achievement and cultural influences
• To understand evolving approaches in the education of the child;
to know the theories of significant researchers
Student will examine current and traditional curriculum approaches,
identify characteristics specific to programs such as Montessori,
Play curriculums, and Piagetian-based approaches.
• To understand early emotional development, effective handling
of fears and developmental crises
Student will learn from case anecdotes how children and parents interact
when fears and developmental crises arise; will demonstrate knowledge
of these crises and provide effective ways of encountering these.
• To examine child abuse and neglect, identify possible causes
of abuse and know the legal obligations of the professional
Student will learn the possible signs of child abuse and the reporting
procedures; will demonstrate knowledge of relevant State laws, definitions
of abuse and neglect and effective ways of cooperating with psychological
and social work professionals.
• To understand the relationship of developmental stages to planning
for teaching
Student will apply knowledge of developmental stages to learning
environments; identify characteristics of cognitive, social, physical
development unique to each stage; to design a developmentally appropriate
environment; to demonstrate ability to adapt curriculum materials
and subject matter for appropriate stage of development.
• To understand how one’s own unique art of teaching is
combined with the science of teaching in the creation of effective learning
Student will examine various classroom episodes and analyze art of
teaching; examine one’s own art of teaching (talent, experiences,
• To appreciate the magnitude of individual differences
Student will observe classroom episodes, share child study findings,
compare and contrast interests, skills, abilities, learning styles,
preferences of children; identify characteristics unique to individual
children of similar ages/stages; observe classroom dialogue; write
reactions; demonstrate effective planning for individual differences.