extra-credit Elevator Speech-Assignment  [some materials adapted from Seattle Central College & Marian University-Indianapolis]

page updated 11/18/22

This semester, the Elevator Speech is being done rwo ways:

          - Mandatory: in class, semi-spontaneous activity | optional: as a video upload. Counts for extra credit. 10 points are added to overall speech grade average

              - is an individual rather than a partner/team activity; you are working by yourself .  For the in-class version, you will be matched with a  random listener

          - Optional version: is prepared in advance; not being done as a real time interaction

          - Optional version: is to be videorecorded/uploaded within LaunchPad  + (tent.) complete one (1) peer review

          -Optional version:  is a variation on the usual topic & timing constraints for this type of talk but is being handled more as straight persuasion.


due date

rationale, explanations, & samples

procedural directions


**grading rubric checklist

* Due Date: no later than ___________ -11:59 pm_earlier is MUCH better___F'22 = 12/18/22 (completion of one speech video AND one review of a peer - if possible)


Rationale: This type of mini-Persuasive talk is well known and often referenced a means of selling oneself (or a product or an idea) in a succinct focused way to a potential employer (or investor). The name refers to a situation where you happen unexpectedly find yourself in an elevator with a person who has money/influence/hiring power, etc.  In such a  context, your time would be limited; often ranging from 30 sec. to two minutes. HOWEVER this presentation will be longer. Details below. In this class, we expand that purpose to include a wider variety of pitches. The ability to perform a brief proposal speech  is so valued in our professional world, you can find many, many guides online about  how-to  &  alternative-to . However, they vary in their accuracy or helpfulness. In summary, this kind of talk is yet another application of the Motivated Sequence of persuasion.


What's an Elevator Pitch??

Helpful articles: ( Links need to be checked. If you encounter a bad link, please let me know)

*Here's a brief article on Elevator Pitches from Forbes.com:  (via CMST220Seattle Central College)

https://www.forbes.com/sites/nextavenue/2013/02/04/the-perfect-elevator-pitch-to-land-a-job/#53fb1eab1b1d (Links to an external site.)



*Here’s a useful article from Toastmasters.org: https://www.toastmasters.org/magazine/magazine-issues/2019/july/elevator-speech  (external site)



*Here are 6 tips for delivering a successful elevator pitch, from CNBC.com(via CMST220Seattle Central) College)

https://www.cnbc.com/2017/12/05/six-tips-for-perfecting-the-elevator-pitch.html   (external site)





>Helpful videos:

*This is a humorous video I often use as a  comparison/contrast intro. to the unit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LDpe9StfGTA



*Additional helpful viewing: Toastmaster.org: What to do if you get sidetracked BE SURE TO VIEW THIS ONE!




>Interesting radio feature

*Technically on a different topic but contains insight on making a good impression in a video self promotion






1. OBJECTIVE = Create & deliver your own elevator speech in which you practice interesting and actuating a “captive” listener.


         >>”Pitch” a product /or/ idea to a potential investor [ala Shark Tank]

                >> “Pitch” yourself to an employer or intern coordinator


3.     TIMING: Speech Length = 3-5 minutes //  handheld objects are permissible for visual aid // no power points



4.     HOW TO SUBMIT YOUR SPEECH: Video record via LaunchPad – as was done for the F20 Selective1 presentations. You can record directly into LaunchPad or can prerecord & upload it there.  



5.     (If possible), for an extra 2 points, Provide peer review of one(1) of our classmates- when you enter the Elevator Speech link, it will point you toward the Speech task first, & once that’s completed,  you can go back in & see other videos in order to complete the peer review task. [This semester, the peer review portion is tentative since, due to the optional status,  there may not be many classmates' videos available to view]


6.     Practice so that you can deliver the speech with energy, enthusiasm, & conversational delivery [i.e. it should be ‘SAID, not read’]. Be prepared to paraphrase; your various practice versions need not use the same exact wording.[ you don't want to come across like a memorized automatic pilot!]


7.     Re-read the tips in the guidesheet for self-recording presentations for tips on lighting & on camera placement.



1. PLANNER: In addition to the speech video, you should submit a Planning Page containing these _4_ items. You can be as real or as hypothetical as you want. Note that in LaunchPad, this planner has to go into  different slot. Specify:  

<a> The listener/audience [name & role at the company]

<b> the central idea: what are you selling: yourself? A product? An idea?

<c> Whether you would prefer in the elevator going up or going down

<d> the sentence you want to use as your closer/clincher.


2.The submission of formal, standard speaker’s outline is optional this time.




Grading Criteria

Review the grading rubric below this assignment to see how it is assessed.

Elevator Speech Rubric ( version2/ Speech prepared in advance)

Presentation Factor

High quality/

Strongly evident

Medium quality/ occasionally evident

Minimal quality/ sporadically evident


Use of Motivated Sequence  organizational structure (or an appropriate motivational pattern)





Clarity of central idea (whether pitching yourself or a product or an idea)





Explicit mention of relevant favorable factors, accomplishments, & experience(personal branding)





Use of a WIIFM technique (how would you [ or your idea or product] benefit listener?)





Eloquent closer/clincher/action step





Use of Extemporaneous delivery

(NOT reading word for word)(notes are OK,)





Effective use of relevant nonverbals (voice/gestures/appearance/eye contact)





Your personality shines through












Elevator Speech formatInsights slide


SUMMARY: Submit your self-recorded video & your "Planning Page" for the ELEVATOR SPEECH-version2  assignment. You can record it directly into  the LaunchPad  app or , if you created  a separate  videofile of your speech, you can upload that into the same spot.  ALL details for this assignment (including topic areas, presentation length, handheld visual aids only, change-in-submitted-items,  grading rubric,etc. ) are in this Assignment Page itself which is also linked, as usual, to the Course Calendar & to the presentations summary page.















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