How to access your MindTap course MindTap with BONGO App! Instructor : Evelyn Plummer Start Date : 03/20/2020

 HOW TO RENEW ACCESS:   { recording 429 }

 Student Access to Course Materials During COVID-19


I couldn’t find an instructional video, but I did find the special flyer they posted in their support section.  [ see link above]  .This is my understanding of the sequence of steps (I cannot actually test out each step because my login is already in their system as faculty.)


2.     Create an account or –if you already have one, login to your existing account

3.    Complete signing in

4.    Click the “Start Free Trial” button  that should be in the sidebar on the left

5.    Click on Explore Cengage Unlimited.

6.    This should take you to what they call your Dashboard & you should see a magnifying glass in your upper right corner

7.     In the window next to the magnifying glass,  it should say: Register another course or product


8.    Click that button & then you will be able to enter the course key:  MTPN51GNW42F

9.    Click “Register” & you should see the course itself, with the units listed.

 Selective 2 Presentation should be on the top of that list.


10. If you end up needing to do more searching for our course, on my view, it shows with several  different identifiers:

-  MindTap with BONGO App!

 - MindTapV2.0 for Coopman/Lull's Public Speaking: The Evolving Art 




     6. Access seems to be granted in 14 day increments. It may be necessary to go repeat the first several steps again in 14 days.




A-   Each video-upload speech assignment ( & there will be a few) will be listed at the beginning of the list of textbook units.


B-    Clicking on the title of the assignment should take you to the page with the instructions & the links for actually recording your speech & also for uploading your outline , a pre-recorded videofile , &  your slide deck ( if applicable)



C-    The peer review assignment will be activated a few days after the speech submission deadline (new deadline = Thursday, 4/2/20 – 11:59pm).   At that time the system will allow you to enter feedback for a specified number of your classmates