Conflict & Relationships -version 2 -



► ► ►      Extra Credit Case Studies    ◄ ◄ ◄


due  via  email-- - preferably  by 3/25/20 but no later than  4/1/2020 -11:59pm




If you need to boost your grade in a general way  (i.e. to compensate for excess absences, low quiz/test scores, low or late grades on papers, etc),  this assignment is for you.

Its grade will be "folded"  into your overall classwork grade & is the equivalent of an online quiz in terms of the weight on your semester grade average. You will receive the extra credit even if your case is not selected for full class analysis,


The end result:  =  a one page Conflict Case Study (i.e. a one page summary overview of an interpersonal conflict situation)



The steps to follow:

<1> Think of a relationship conflict that you have had in the past 6 months .  In  a new document, copy & paste & then complete the five(5) questions below--in reference to this conflict you are planning to write up as a case study.

<2>  Be sure you have read Chaps 8,9,10,11,12 (Beebe, currrent edition ). Then,  complete these steps to help you prepare the case study writeup.

From your perspective, what is the Level/Type of this relationship? [via chap 9 & Intro-to-Relationships SlideShow --avail. in Blackboard]]_


Would you label the type of conflict as Psuedo, Simple,  or Ego?_[via chap 8]________________________


Would you label the conflict as constructive or destructive?_[via chap 8]__________________________


Identifying your Conflict Management Style: Which conflict management style do YOU most commonly exhibit in this particular conflict situation? 





<3>  In  the same new document, succinctly  write up this conflict from your life - according to the directions in the box below.  (preferably about one page long) (If you want to see some sample case studies, look at these past examples: S04 case studies / F04 case studies./ General CaseStudySamples . [ IF YOU HAVE DIFFICULTY READING THESE LINKED DOCUMENTS, TRY USING A DIFFERENT BROWSER. THEY WERE ORIGINALLY CREATED TO WORK WITH INTERNET EXPLORER & MAY REQUIRE AN UPDATED "ACTIVE X" FEATURE]

“Consider a recent conflict you have had with someone. Describe the situation, the events, conflict management styles & the behaviors of the parties involved [including yourself]. Do not use real names in the write up. Also, do not include mention of any real or possible resolution.”

 Your case study can represent of any one of the following relationships:

>FAMILY RELATIONSHIP (preferably: parent<->child or sibling<->sibling)




How the Case Studies will be used:

 -Usually , submitted case studies will be reviewed ensure names + identifying details will be changed before the case studies will be distributed for class analysis (to be placed in a folder within BLACKBOARD.

-However, please try to submit items that will require little or no "fixing" . Class members will be assigned certain cases to prepare for in class discussion & analysis.


