
Signal Transduction (Biol 7226)

Week 1 Placement Test and Introduction (VU)
Week 2 Intracellular Receptors (VU)
Week 3 Quiz
Introduction to VU lectures
Week 4 Cell Surface Receptors and G Protein Coupling Pathways (VU)
Week 5 cAMP and cGMP Dependent Pathways (VU)
Week 6 Ca++ Dependent Pathways (VU)
Week 7 Midtern
Week 8 IP3 and DAG Dependent Pathways (VU)
Week 9 Phosphorylation and Dephosphorylations (VU)
Week 10 The Oncogenes (VU)
Week 11 Receptor Tyrosine Kinase (VU)
Week 12 Interactions between pathways (VU)
Week 13 Student Presentations
Week 14 Proposals due
Week 15 Final Exam during the University Final Week

Please note the above information is subject to change.

Reading materials:
Chapters 4, 15, 19 in Molecular Biology of The Cell (3rd edition; Albert, B. et al; 1994).
Chapter 4 helps you to review some basic cell biol, biochem and mol biol techniques which may be discussed in this class.
Chapter 15 provides a good summary of signal transduction studies.
Chapter 19 provides information concerning intercellular communication.
Other supplemental readings including review articles will be assigned
(1-3 research articles directly related to the lectures per week). The journals include
Science, J of Biol. Chem., J of Neuroscience, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Cell Signaling, Nature, Brain Research, Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience, etc. All lecture content and reading materials will be included on the exams.

Students are expected to attend all lectures. If a lecture or test is canceled due to inclement weather, that lecture material or test will be given at the next scheduled lecture period.

Examinations and Grading
1 placement test
1 quiz
1 midterm exam
1 final exam
Please note that all exams are cumulative. Make-up exams will only be given if the student has a valid, serious excuse.
Students are required to prepare a research proposal on a selected topic of signal transduction which cannot be your thesis project or your project at work. In addition, each student will be required to give a 10-15 minute presentation of this proposal, followed by a 3-5 minute discussion.

Final grades will be determined as follows:

  Placement test 0%
  Quiz 10%
  Midterm exam 30%
  Final exam 30%
  Proposal presentation, discussion 30%

Grading scale:

90% - 100 % A
85% - 89 % B+
80% - 84 % B
75% - 79 % C+
70% - 74 % C
Below 70 % F

Your grades may be obtained in my office.

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