Proposition 6.4.1: Continuity and Topology
- f is continuous
- If D is open, then the inverse image of every open set under f is again open.
- If D is open, then the inverse image of every open interval under f is again open.
- If D is closed, then the inverse image of every closed set under f is again closed.
- If D is closed, then the inverse image of every closed interval under f is again closed.
- The inverse image of every open set under f is the intersection of D with an open set.
- The inverse image of every closed set under f is the intersection of D with a closed set.
(1) => (2): Assume that f is continuous on an open set
D. Let U be an open set in the range of f. We need
to show that f-1(U)
D is
again open. Take any x0
That is equivalent to saying that f( x0)
Since U is open, we can find an
0 such that the
neighborhood of f( x0)
is contained in U. For this fixed
can use the continuity of f to pick a
0 such that
- if | x - x0|
then | f(x) - f( x0) | <
This implies that the -
neighborhood of x0is
contained in f-1(U).
Hence, the inverse image of the arbitrary set U is open.
(2) => (1): Assume that the inverse image f-1(U)
of every open set U is open. Take any point x0
U and
pick an
0. Then the
neighborhood of f( x0)
is an open set, so that it's inverse image is again open. That
inverse image contains x0,
and since it is open it contains a
neighborhood of x0for
> 0.
But that is exactly what we want:
- if | x - x0|
then this set is contained in the set f-1( f( x0) -
, f( x0) +
or in other words
- if | x - x0|
then | f(x) - f( x0) | <
(2) <=> (3): This follows immediately from the fact that every open set in the real line can be written as the countable union of open intervals.
(2) <=> (4): This follows immediately by looking at complements, i.e. from the fact that
- f-1( comp(U) ) = comp( f-1(U) )
That equality should be proved as an exercise.
(4) <=> (5): This follows again by combining the two previous remarks.
(6), (7): This proof is very similar to the proof of (2) <=> (1). In fact, where in that previous proof have we used the fact that the domain D of the function is open ? The details are left as an exercise again.