Examples 6.3.4(c):
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Prove that
f(x) has a discontinuity of second kind at
x = 0

This function is more complicated. Consider the sequence
xn = 1 / (2 n
n goes to infinity, the sequence converges to zero from the right.
f( xn) = sin(2 n
) = 0
for all
k. On the other hand, consider the sequence
xn = 2 / ( (2n+1)
Again, the sequence converges to zero from the right as
n goes
to infinity. But this time
f( xn) = sin( (2n+1)
/ 2)
which alternates between
+1 and
-1. Hence, this limit does
not exist. Therefore, the limit of
f(x) as
x approaches zero from
the right does not exist.
Since f(x) is an odd function, the same argument shows that the
limit of f(x) as x approaches zero from the left does not exist.
Therefore, the function has an essential discontinuity at x = 0.