Text : Theatre - The Dynamics of the Art by Brian Hansen. Required.
Lab Hours: 10 - in any capacity i.e. acting, props publicity, lights, etc. on any T-I-T-R production this semester.
Attendance: All T-I-T-R productions this semester.
One Broadway show - ticket price and transportation required.
The purpose of this course is to survey the basic elements and theories of theatre production. Your grade is based on the following:
25 pts. | A. Completion of lab hours |
25 pts. | B. Attendance at required productions |
25 pts. | C. Commentary papers on attended productions - 3-pages typed each |
25 pts. | D. Final Project - worked on throughout the semester - creation of aproject in one area of theatre you particularly enjoy i.e. acting, directing, costuming, publicity, etc. Presented both written and orally. Instructor approval necessary. |
25 pts. | E. Written final exam on theatre terms discussed throughout the semester |
25 pts. | F. Class attendance and participation - including in-class exercises and small assignments. |
Attendance PolicyInasmuch as this class is based on in-class experience, your presence is absolutely necessary. Absence from a class such as this for even one session invalidates the progressive development of your work. YOU CANNOT MAKE UP WORK in this type of situation. Unexcused absences will affect your grade. Please consider the following before you choose to stay with the course:
Dept. of Communications Office FH 11 Ph. 973-275 -2191