Home -> Teaching -> Math 1411/1511 -> Syllabus
MATH1411/1511 - Syllabus
Contact Info
- Office Location: SC 118 D
- Office Hours: Mon, Wed 2 pm - 3 pm
- Phone: 973-761-9000 x5167
- Email: wachsmut@shu.edu
- Web: http://pirate.shu.edu/~wachsmut/
Grading Procedure
Counting towards your final grade will be quizzes (approx. one per week), 3 exams, one Final, and Maple computer assignments that count as much as an exam.
- 3 Exams - 300 points (100 points each)
- Final Exam - 200 points
- Quizzes - 100 points
- Maple - 100 points
Homework will be assigned but not collected - but it is strongly recommended that you do complete these assignments - you will find those problems in the quizzes and the exams.
Attendance and Honor Code
- You are expected and strongly encouraged to attend every class. No make-ups of quizzes and exams are given except in special circumstances. Your worst two quiz scores will be automatically dropped. You must complete all computer assignments in the allocated time period.
- You are expected to complete all quizzes, exams, and the computer assignments solely on your own unless it is specifically indicated that you can work together.
- You are expected to monitor my homepage for this class regularly. You can find it by pointing your web browser to the address http://pirate.shu.edu/~wachsmut/
Computer Assignments
There will be several computer assignments that you have to complete on your own unless otherwise specified. The assignments will use the computer algebra packages Maple. Please make sure that Maple version 12 (version 11 is ok) is installed and working on your laptop computer. If you do not have a laptop, you can use the Math/CS Computer Lab upstairs or rent a laptop at TLTC for 4-hour periods.
Material Covered
- Calc 1 review
- Chapter 6: Techniques of Integration (6.1 - Integration by Parts, 6.2 - Trigonometric Integrals and Substitutions, 6.3 - Partial Fractions, 6.4 - Integration with Tables and CAS, 6.5 - Approximate Integration, 6.6 -Improper Integrals)
- Chapter 7: Applications of Integration (7.1 - Areas between Curves 7.2 - Volumes, 7.3 - Volumes by Cylindrical Shells, 7.4 - Arclength, 7.5 - Applications to Physics and Engineering, 7.6 - Differential Equations (separable; logistic growth))
- Chapter 8: Series (8.1 - Sequences, 8.2 - Series, 8.3 - The Integral and Comparison Tests, 8.4 - Other Convergence Tests, 8.5 - Power Series, 8.7 - Taylor and Maclaurin Series)
- Chapter 9: Parametric Equations and Polar Coordinates (9.1 - Parametric Curves, 9.2 - Calculus with Parametric Curves, 9.3 - Polar Coordinates, 9.4 - Areas and Lengths in Polar Coordinates)
- Chapter 10: Differential Equations (10.6 - Linear Equations, 10.7 - Predator-Prey Systems)
- Chapter 18: Second-Order Differential Equations (18.1 - Second-Order Linear Equations, 18.2 - Nonhomogeneous Linear Equations, 18.3 - Applications of Second-Order Differential Equations, 18.4 - Series Solutions)
Bert G. Wachsmut
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