Introducing: Karel the Robot
Karel's World | |
Karel's Capabilities | |
Karel's Jobs | |
Karel's Basic Vocabulary |
Karel is a robot living in a simple world who can perform simply stated, interesting tasks. Its world is given as a grid of streets that Karel traverses, containing special objects that Karel can sense and manipulate.
is bounded on west and south side by infinitely long walls of solid, inpenetrable neutronium | |
contains streets (running east-west) and avenues (running north-south) | |
can contain wall sections fabricated from neutronium in any desired length and pattern | |
can contain beepers, small plastic cones emitting a quiet beeping noise, on any street corner |
three video cameras focused to detect walls immediatelly to the left, right, and straight ahead | |
a microphone to hear a beeper but only if he is on the same corner as Karel | |
mechanical arm to pick up and put down beepers | |
soundproof beeper-bag (can use the mechanical arm to see if bag contains beepers) |
Karel's jobs can be very different. They generally consist of a task of what we want Karel to do, and a situation that describes exactly the current situation of Karel's world (where are walls and beepers, where is Karel, how many beepers are in his beeper-bag etc.) Here is an example: |
Every morning Karel is awakened in bed when the newspaper - represented by a beeper - is thrown on the front porch of the house. Program Karel to retrieve the paper and bring it back to bed. The newspaper is always thrown to the same spot, and Karel's world, including his bed, is as pictured. |