Reference: Karel the Robot

Karel the Robot is a very nice little book for providing insights to the fundamental techniques of programming. Seton Hall started using it in the fall semester 1995 for the first several weeks of an Introduction to Computer Science course in the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science.

Karel the Robot

A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming

Authors:: Richard E. Pattis (2nd Edition), revised by Jim Roberts and Mark Stehlik
Publisher: John Wiley and Sons, Inc
ISBN: 0-471-59725-2
Copyright: 1981, 1995, by John Wiley and Sons, Inc

The book comes with Software to simulate Karel on IBM PC, Macintosh, and a variety of mainframe computers. Site licenses for all machines can be obtained by contacting Richard E. Pattis, 2823 Broadway Avenue E., Seattle, WA 98102
