Speech Assignment Sheet [ a user's manual]  [be sure to read this item in its entirety]

last updated 3/20/18 // incl. infrmtv. reinforcement component] / / 15 ed pp. pending


 "...my leadership compared to theirs"



{"The Combo"}

Extemporaneous  Presentational Speaking combined with a Manuscript excerpt  [Comparison/Contrast structure]

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<If these quick links don't work, just scroll down>

* The Rationale for this presentation

* What's "unique" about  the formatting & presentation of this presentation? 

        -> the topic

        -> the grading

        -> the  presentation  format & specifications

        -> the videotaping & small class+workshop splitting up of the class

* The steps in preparing for this presentation

* The Items to be submitted:  Preliminary  /  Final  /  Followup

* Reminders about what to do, what to bring, where to go, how to sign in

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This is a multipurpose presentation.  In addition to the videorecording factor, the objectives include:


<1> to combine both the extemporaneous and manuscript  methods of speech delivery


<2> to provide an opportunity for you to use the Comparison/Contrast approach of order of  organization.


<3> to research, & consider leadership from real-life as well as scholarly perspectives


 <4> to apply &/or react to material you have been encountering in your leadership program's classes & activities


 <5> to allow additional listening practice: especially analytical & appreciative


****<6> notation for S'18: Although most of you began your Informative Speeches with an appropriately objective tone, some of you drifted into subjectivity & sometimes even explicit persuasion at some point. For this Combo presentation, we will continue to practice the skills of "informative communication". (i.e. demonstrating an ability to remain objective & neutral while reporting/explaining/enlightening one's listeners.)






  The major portion of your presentation will be Extemporaneous (approx 2-3 minutes) (delivered from notecards) 
  The other part will consist of reading a Manuscript-style  excerpt (and/or block quote) that coordinates with your presentation's goal and topic. (approx 30 sec-1 minute)
  Evaluators will not be given a specific rating sheet this time.  Instead, on a separate sheet of paper, they will write down: 
                 > their own comments  (at least 4)   AND...   
                 > at least one potential question for the speaker (either to challenge-a-premise or a request-for-
[i.e. 4 comments  + 1 question]



1. In terms of topic, this will be the most abstract presentation done so far; therefore it is recommended that you strive to make your supporting materials as concrete as possible.

      --In general, the basic topic of everyone's presentations will be:   "My own experiences with Leadership AS COMPARED TO  contemporary or classic Leadership principles" . In other words, your speech's basic goal (purpose) is to compare/contrast 2 different perspectives on the established leadership principle -- of your choice. Your general speech purpose can be:" to inform", "to inspire", --but it should NOT be overtly persuasive.   or "to express an opinion"

 As you know from your English composition studies, Comparison/Contrast is a message organizational style that highlights the similarities and the differences between 2 items. (also see chapter on Informative Speaking).


Prepare a "short" [2-3 min] extemporaneous speech on a leadership concept/principle that interests you & that can be considered  from at least 2 credible perspectives: the experiential perspective (i.e. using your experience) and the theoretical perspective (i.e. using your researched information).  

ADDED SPECIFICATION FOR S'18: The extemporaneous part of the presentation should adhere to principles of INFORMATIVE speaking. (Chapter 16- 15/14eds /MT). In other words, there should be no advocacy ,  no subjectivity , no  bias  & no persuasion. Stay objective.

3. Find your complementary written excerpt(s) from essays, articles, or literature selections. [a random list of possible sources is listed at the end of this document].  You are looking for a piece of writing that represents at least one of the 2 perspectives being discussed, and therefore, will complement your overall message.  Insert the excerpt(s) meaningfully and strategically-- somewhere within your prepared, extemporaneous speech  Remember the manuscript segment is a "chunk" not just a sentence here or there.



4. Visual/presentation aids are optional for this presentation. Use them for enhancement, not habit. And don't use "computer graphics" ( Powerpoint, etc.) unless that really is the most strategic choice.

Ultimately, the entire presentation should be well coordinated, interesting and last  3 - 4  minutes --TOTAL Any set-up of  presentation aids should take no longer than 30 seconds.

 {NOTE: I will not be giving time signals during this presentation, but, as always, timing will be factored into the presentation's grade.  
 You may want to ask a classmate to give you time signals.}


      <a> on your skill with these two methods of delivery: extemporaneous + manuscript

     <b> on the logical development of the BODY portion of your message  [clearly using a specific order-of-organization  / refer to "Word(ing)  Main Points: pp. 247-253{15ed} / p. 284-288 - 14ed [pp. 280-285=13e] 


    <c> on the smooth coordination of the various vocal & physical elements of your presentation.


       <d>  on the assignment's specifications: e.g. whether outline is handed in on time /whether the bibliography  [not just a "works cited" list] uses correct format /  whether the  presentation timing is within the specified time slot / whether there is evidence of individual improvement in communication competence





 [1]  a correct, complete outline [including the Intro w/Th.Stmt. / Body / Conc]   {HARDCOPY - as always, ready to hand in BEFORE you give your presentation}

[2] **a bibliography  [at least 1-2 sources]

      {HARDCOPY - as always, ready to hand in BEFORE you give your presentation}  Follow standard stylesheet (APA or  MLA ) for formatting]. Look it up! Do not rely on your word processor!

[3] an OPTIONAL  follow-up video critique sheet  [click to see the critique format . Copy & paste to create the document  for your e-mail submission]  {This self critique constitutes an expanded "Personal Post Mortem" in which you will evaluate the audible &  organizational  & visible aspects of your presentation. As you view yourself, pay particular attention to the presence [or absence of]"RAPPORT"}

  ----------------> a.   The optional VidCrit  is due -- via email -- within  one  week  of your presentation.  

----------------->  b.   This time, submitting a Preliminary speech outline  OPTIONAL for section LS.  I recommend you consult your Organization "Buddy" & also take note of the feedback you received on the Informative speech.  However, if you would like me to take a look at it, email it to me no later than  Sat--3/31/18- 11:00pm . I will try to respond before your scheduled presentation date!! 




VIDEOTAPING is planned for this presentation. This will help you get a clearer idea of the visible aspects of your delivery style. Due to these special  time constraints of recording & replaying, for this time only, instead of the usual volunteer method, be prepared to give your presentations in the order indicated on the Presentation Schedule -- although adjustments may be made in order to have  projector users go adjacent to each other. This schedule is always extra early  because these Combo presentations will overlap with the groups' meeting & planning times.  Let me know NOW if you would prefer a particular date or a particular slot. 
    This videotaping will take place in your usual classroom-- using a computer with a rear facing camera.   Stay tuned for details. Have your audio recording device with you-- just in case.



 SPECIAL NOTE: During these 3 class sessions, the class will actually split up.  First, all students will report to  the designated classroom  to "sign in", but only that day's speakers will remain in the classroom. The rest of the class members will then go elsewhere {anywhere, your choice} to work in their groups (for planning the upcoming Group Presentation ).

As usual, attendance counts on all days, so be sure to sign the Attendance sheet.










HERE'S A RANDOM, INCOMPLETE, HIGHLY  SELECTIVE  LIST OF LEADERSHIP BOOKS/CONCEPTS/RESEARCHERS :   titles being added but you are not limited to listed items

Selected sources in leadership & its relationship to communication/interaction factors:
 Bass & Stodgill's Handbook of Leadership

Bennis, W. & Nanus, B. (1997).  Leaders: Strategies for Taking Charge. New York: Harper Collins.
Burns, J.M. (2003). Transforming Leadership.  New York: Atlantic Monthly Press.

Fiedler, F.&  Chemers, M. (1984), Improving Leadership Effectiveness: The Leader Match Concept, Wiley
    and Sons, New York, NY.

Hersey & Blanchard ( Situational Leadership) They've written several items on that topic.
Kouzes, J.M. & Posner, B.Z. ( 2007). The Leadership Challenge. New York: Wiley.
Landino, R.J.( n.d.) Followership: A literature review of a rising power beyond leadership.
      Lambda Pi Eta paper/ www.natcom.org.
Maxwell, J.C. ( 2005) The 360 leader: Developing your Influence from anywhere in the Organization.    
    Nashville,TN: Thomas Nelson

Maxwell, J.C. ( 2007) The 21 Indespensible qualities of a leader Becoming teh person otrhers will want to follow.
       Nashville,TN: Thomas Nelson

Schultz, Howard (2011) Onward: How Starbucks fought for its life without losing its soul

 Schutz, William. The Interpersonal or any of his writings

Covey, Stephen -- all his works  including his Oct, 2011 release: The 3rd Alternative: Solving Life's Most Difficult Problems


more items might still be added to this list from time to time. Any added items will be "flagged"