My overall Criteria  for giving Letter Grades in this course
- and-
 the Procedures for Grading Written Work
- and-
    alignments with Writing Proficiency qualifications
- and-
 Rubrics used for certain, specific presentations

click to go to links or just scroll down 





Procedures for Grading Written Work

>  Tests, Papers, Forum Postings, Portfolios & most  written projects are all graded "anonymously" --i.e. with the writer's name covered over. This is done to help promote objectivity in grading.

>  Green Ink/font  is often used for grading (when possible) due to its having "calmer" connotations than red ink. [i.e. nonverbal communication in action!]

> Abbreviations are likely to be used.  Most "translations" can be found on the Commonly Used Abbreviations page.

>   As with many Professors, there is a "24--48 hour rule".  Requests for appointments for the purpose of discussing a graded item (test/paper/speech)  cannot be made for at least 24 hours after the graded item has been returned.  No discussion about the item will occur until after this minimum time period.

>  The comments & annotations written on your papers also constitute instructional aspects of the course. Therefore, any corrections/guidelines/suggestions you receive are expected to be incorporated into all future written work.   (including online quizzes)

>   If you do not understand an annotation or comment, you should ask for clarification.

>   Refer to the section below for greater insights into this professor's connotations for a particular letter grade.

>  NB: Work submitted after the due date might not be accepted or read at all.

>   NB:Any submission exhibiting ANY degree of plagiarism [incremental, copy & paste, or full scale lifting] will result in a zero for the paper and possibly an "F" for the course ( see the Communication Department statement of Academic Integrity.)






The Criteria  for giving Letter Grades (for presentations, etc) :

In case you were wondering how I determine the letter grades that I use...

        a. Conform to the assigned type (e.g. Oral Interp, Informative, Persuasive, etc.)

b. Conform to the assigned time limit

c. Exhibit clear organization & planning. (in speech presentations, this includes adequate supports for the thesis statement)

d. Fulfill particular specifications for that assignment (e.g. use of visual aids, use of statistics, etc.)

e. Present valid information & credible evidence

f. Exhibit effectiveness in the aspects of message delivery -- including vocal, physical, grammatical, audience-centeredness, etc

g. Exhibit preparation and thoughtful effort

h. Include an on-time submission of a correctly-prepared Analysis Paper/Extemporaneous Outline {or other assigned submission(s) 




a. Be of more than average "stimulation" (i.e. be more of a challenge to the audience to think & intellectually respond)

b. Contain elements of vividness & special interest for audience

c. Demonstrate skill in the effective coverage of more difficult or challenging material.

d. Establish a rapport with the audience, through style & delivery (with which the speaker can achieve an "interactive", communication experience.)



a. Constitute a genuinely unique approach to affecting the thinking of the audience

b. Achieve a performance flexibility, naturalness & adaptability (As appropriate for the particular material & audience)

c. Demonstrate a "mastery" of all delivery skills--including internal transitions and use of emphasis

d. Exhibit skill in structuring the presentation in a way that strategically moves the audience through the necessary mental & emotional processes


 Yes, these are demanding criteria which explains why I often use "plusses" and "minuses".



alignments with Writing Proficiency qualifications [e.g. Senior Seminar; Dynamics of Human Communication]


           >   An "A" Paper {...exceptional...}

- provides interesting and relevant thought points for the reader (even for one who is well versed in the subject)

- expresses complex & nuanced insights & connections among concepts

- analyzes &/or applies previously studied principles and ideas

- exhibits good language skills: strong vocabulary / structural competence / creative but accurate phraseology

- uses grammar & mechanics in an error-free manner and provides an effortless experience for the reader



>   A "B" Paper   {... effectively competent...}

- attempts some complexity & nuanced distinction among ideas

- provides  a clear  point/ thesis which is developed, not merely stated

- demonstrates clear organization and understanding of structure

- exhibits good language skills: strong vocabulary / structural competence / creative but accurate phraseology

- uses grammar & mechanics in an essentially error-free manner & reader's experience is mostly smooth



>   A "C" Paper  {... minimally competent...}

- meets the basic expectation for this level of study [ e.g. introductory, advanced, capstone, etc.]

- expresses a point although possible simplistic or unclear

- demonstrates recognizable organization, although might contain problems in logical sequence of points

- exhibits adequate language skills, however, without much insight or sophistication

- uses grammar and mechanics correctly with only minor problems



>   An "D" Paper  {... marginal ...}

- provides some valid points but the reader must work hard to find them

- has at least one valid core point, although it may not be fully clear

- exhibits a difficult-to-follow structure /\ Ideas do not lead clearly from one point to the next.

- language usage is "off"

- exhibits consistent and/or serious errors in grammar and mechanics [ e.g. comma splice, fragment, run-on, etc.]




>   An "F" Paper   {...missed the mark...}

- does not fulfill the assignment

- does not present an apparent point or clear direction

- exhibits serious errors and lack of understanding of the expectations for a college level paper.  Minimal grammatical competence is expected of all students 




Basic / for an Extemporaneous Presentation (applicable to most oral presentations in this class)

Evaluation Criteria

Excellent <16-20pt>

Proficient <11-15pt>

Competent <6-10pt>

Minimal/Unsatisfactory <0-5pt>


Segments are clearly distinguishable

      (e.g. Introduction, Body, Conclusion). Presentation uses various connectives to achieve a cohesive sequencing that is easy to follow and reinforces the central idea (Thesis Stmt)

Main points follow a logical sequence but not all sections/ points were clearly connected to each other. More internal connectives & summaries were needed

Main points follow a logical sequence but not all sections/point were clearly or smoothly connected to each other

Presentation lacks several key factors such as connectives, use of a logical pattern and/or is difficult for listeners to follow.


 Language structures & vocabulary choices are mature, professional, non-colloquial, and vivid [ generating imagery]. Word choices are appropriate for oral extemporaneous style  to the  given listeners.

Language and vocabulary choices are mostly well chosen for clarity and audience comprehension. More use of vivid (oral language) technique would be desirable

Language and vocabulary choices are basic and acceptable. Use of some non-explained terms &/or jargon. Language is more suited to written communication rather than extemporaneous, oral settings

Speaker uses inappropriately casual language, slang, or obscure wordings. Vocabulary choices are confusing for the audience (e.g. over technical, in-group based, structurally unclear)


Speaker’s vocal & physical techniques are handled skillfully to motivate listening (e.g. posture, gestures, eye contact, meaningful vocal inflection, voice clarity,

 appropriate appearance, etc.). Speaker exhibits poise & preparation and also demonstrates rapport & engagement.

Speaker exhibits an awareness of an audience-centered use of vocal & physical techniques Could use a stronger blend of communicating WITH the listeners

Speaker exhibits vocal & physical techniques that are adequate and non-distracting. Could use more energy, physical skill and emotional engagement with listeners

Delivery techniques are not effective at enhancing listeners’ comprehension. Speaker does not exhibit confidence or adequate preparedness.


Supports are appropriately varied (e.g. explanations, examples, testimony, illustrations, statistics, narratives, analogies, quotations, etc.). and are directly relevant to the central idea. Material is of good quality & enhances presenter’s credibility

The supporting materials are adequate for supporting (demonstrating/proving

/reinforcing)  the Central idea.  The material establishes the presenter’s credibility on the topic. Could have used a more strategic blend &  sequencing of materials

The supporting materials provide some support of the Central idea


proving/reinforcing) the Central idea.

Believability would be stronger with material that is more concrete and less generalized.

The supporting materials are insufficient for supporting and/or  adding credibility for either the Central idea or the speaker. More and more types of supports are needed




Central idea (Thesis Stmt) is stated clearly, is skillfully “signposted” and is explicitly coordinated to the supporting points.  The central idea is restated & reinforced throughout the message.

Central idea (Thesis Stmt) is stated clearly, is skillfully “signposted” and is somewhat coordinated to the supporting points.

Central idea (Thesis Stmt) is implied but not specified. Connection to the supporting points is implied but not explicitly summarized.  ________

The Central idea is unclear or not evident. The stated Central idea is not related to the supporting points.


Presentation Aids are appropriate & used skillfully. Aids exhibit appropriate aesthetic practices and are smoothly coordinated with the vocal and physical delivery

Presentation Aid choices are appropriate

& exhibit an awareness of appropriate aesthetic practices. More strategy &/or audience centered techniques would be desirable.

Presentation Aid choices adequately support and coordinate with the message. They don’t distract but could  do more to enhance the listeners’ comprehension & appreciation of the More audience-centeredness needed


Inappropriate choices result in lack of or misuse of presentation aids.  Slides do not exhibit effective aesthetic strategies and are distracting, non-coordinated, and/or difficult to read

*Adapted from the Oral Communication Value Rubric: Association of American Colleges and Universities / Plummer             





for an Group|Team Project/Presentation [+ a Rubric for measuring an individual's performance]

 Group Presentation Rubrics

These are the items to be assessed in evaluating the team presentation for the group as a whole. When quality and participation levels within a group are demonstrably unequal. An Individual Participation Rubric below will be incorporated to determine separate, individual final grades for the project.

Team Name: _____________________









Material used was credible, relevant, and enhanced the presentation

The material used  often was credible, & relevant but needed more breadth

Some of the material used was credible & relevant, but not consistently

Presentation lacked enough concrete and/or valuable material.




Discussants skillfully responded to & explored each other’s ideas

Discussants sometimes responded to each other’s ideas – not consistently

Uneven quality of participation seemed due to uneven levels of preparation.

Discussants tended to speak in monologues rather than work from each other’s ideas



Sequencing of

presentation’s elements was interesting and easy to follow

Sequencing of presentation’s elements showed organization but could have used stronger preparation

Sequencing of presentation’s elements made sense but were not connected in a may to be clear to the audience.

Sequencing of the agenda was unclear &/or did not fit with the central idea



Presenters were poised, eloquent, clear  & engaged with their teammates as well as the “virtual” audience

Presenters appeared poised & prepared but could have been more engaged-especially with the “virtual” audience

Uneven delivery skills. Some team members did not seem rehearsed for their segment 1 speeches

Team members  came across as overly casual & colloquial and non-poised. Minimal preparation




Team’s choices for “aids” had strong aesthetics & enhanced the overall presentation.  

Team ‘s choices for “aids were functional but  were not fully integrated into the content.

Team’s choices for “aids” did not represent best aesthetic practices or could have been more useful.

Team’s choices for aids were ineffective (including needing but not having, or having but not needing)


compilations via E. Plummer 7/2020



Teamwork VALUE Rubric (Individual)







Contributes to Team Meetings

Helps the team move forward using critical thinking by articulating the merits of alternative ideas or proposals.

Offers some alternative solutions or courses of action that build on the ideas of others.

Offers some new suggestions which become part of the  work of the group.

Shares ideas but does not advance the work of the group.

Facilitates Contributions of Other Team Members

Engages team members in ways that facilitate their contributions to meetings by both constructively building upon or synthesizing the contributions of others as well as noticing when someone is not participating and inviting them to engage.

Engages team members in ways that facilitate their contributions to meetings by constructively building upon or synthesizing the contributions of others.

Engages team members in ways that facilitate their contributions to meetings by restating the views of other team members and/or asking questions for clarification.

Engages team members by taking turns and listening to others without interrupting.

Individual Contributions Outside of Team Meetings

Completes all assigned tasks by deadline; produces thorough work that is comprehensive, and advances the project.

Proactively helps other team members complete their assigned tasks to a similar level of excellence.

Completes all assigned tasks by deadline; produces thorough work that is comprehensive, and advances the project.


Completes all assigned tasks by deadline; produces work that

Adequately meets the criteria of the project.


Completes all/most  assigned tasks.

Fosters Constructive Team Climate

Supports a constructive team climate by doing all of the following:

- Treats team members respectfully by being polite and constructive.

- Uses positive vocal or written tone, facial expressions, and/or nonverbals to convey a positive attitude about the team and its work.

- Motivates teammates by expressing confidence about the importance of the task and the team's ability to accomplish it.

- Provides assistance and/or encouragement to team members.

Supports a constructive team climate by doing some of the following:

- Treats team members respectfully by being polite and constructive.

- Uses positive vocal or written tone, facial expressions, and/or nonverbals to convey a positive attitude about the team and its work.

- Motivates teammates by expressing confidence about the importance of the task and the team's ability to accomplish it.

- Provides assistance and/or encouragement to team members.

Supports a constructive team climate by doing  any two of the following:

 - Treats team members respectfully by being polite and constructive.

- Uses positive vocal or written tone, facial expressions, and/or nonverbals to convey a positive attitude about the team and its work.

- Motivates teammates by expressing confidence about the importance of the task and the team's ability to accomplish it. 

- Provides assistance and/or encouragement to team members.

Supports a constructive team climate by doing any one of the following:

-Treats team members respectfully by being polite and constructive.

- Uses positive vocal or written tone, facial expressions, and/or nonverbals to convey a positive attitude about the team and its work.

- Motivates teammates by expressing confidence about the importance of the task and the team's ability to accomplish it. 

- Provides assistance and/or encouragement to team members.

Uses Constructive Conflict

Management Techniques

Addresses destructive conflict directly and constructively, helping to manage it in a way that strengthens overall team cohesiveness & effectiveness

Identifies and acknowledges conflict and stays engaged with collaboration &/or compromise

Redirects group’s  focus toward common ground, toward task at hand (away from conflict)

Passively accepts alternate viewpoints/ideas/opinions regardless of quality or appropriateness

*Adapted from the Teamwork Value Rubric: Association of American Colleges and Universities / Plummer