On-Line Ethics Resources 

Journalism Ethics Case Studies:


Ethics Resource Center:



Communication Ethics Codes

On-Line Ethics codes:


Creating a personal ethical code: http://www.mycodeofethics.org


Codes of Conduct:


Some relevant professional organizations with ethical codes.

National Communication Association (NCA Credo for Ethical Communication)

The Society of Professional Journalists: http://www.spj.org   (SPJ Code, text)

Associated Press Managing Editors: http://www.apme.com/   (APME Code, text)

or a discussion of their code on the American Society of Newspaper Editors site at http://www.asne.org/ideas/codes/apme.htm

National Press Photographers Association:

NPPA ethical code: http://www.nppa.org/professional_development/business_practices/ethics (NPPA Code, text)

NPPA Digital Code:


Ethics in the Age of Digital Manipulation:


The Radio Television News Directors Association: http://rntda.org  (RTNDA Code, text)

A good discussion of the RTNDA Code: http://www.missouri.edu/~jourvs/rtcodes.html

National Association of Broadcasters Statement of Principles:   http://www.nab.org/newsroom/Issues/NAB%20Statement%20of%20Principles.html  The NAB Code is not intended as a formal ethical code and, because of court challenges, is downplayed in terms of enforcement.

Public Relations Society of America Code of Ethics: http://www.prsa.org/_About/ethics/preamble.asp?ident=eth3

PRSA Member of Code of Ethics summarizing the core values of a PRSA member:

http://www.prsa.org/_About/ethics/values.asp?ident=eth4   (PRSA Code, text)

American Advertising Federation Advertising Ethics and Principles:

http://www.aaf.org/about/principles.html  (Advertising Code, text)

For Advertising Ethics, see also the Vatican document on Ethics in Advertising: Text, Link

Graphic Artists Guild Code of Fair Practices: http://www.gag.org/about/fair_code.php 

(Graphic Arts Code, text)

(For graphic artists, consider the 11th Edition of Graphic Artists Guild Handbook: Pricing & Ethical Guidelines)

The Poynter Institute for Media Studies: http://www.poynter.org/

National Education Association (teachers' ethics): http://www.nea.org/aboutnea/code.html (NEA Ethics Code )


Ethics Home Page

Department of Communication, Seton Hall University