American Advertising Federation Ethics and Principles*


Advertising shall tell the truth, and shall reveal significant facts, the omission of which would mislead the public.

Advertising claims shall be substantiated by evidence in possession of the advertiser and advertising agency, prior to making such claims.

Advertising shall refrain from making false, misleading, or unsubstantiated statements or claims about a competitor or his/her products or services.

Bait Advertising
Advertising shall not offer products or services for sale unless such offer constitutes a bona fide effort to sell the advertising products or services and is not a device to switch consumers to other goods or services, usually higher priced.

Guarantees and Warranties
Advertising of guarantees and warranties shall be explicit, with sufficient information to apprise consumers of their principal terms and limitations or, when space or time restrictions preclude such disclosures, the advertisement should clearly reveal where the full text of the guarantee or warranty can be examined before purchase.

Price Claims
Advertising shall avoid price claims which are false or misleading, or saving claims which do not offer provable savings.

Advertising containing testimonials shall be limited to those of competent witnesses who are reflecting a real and honest opinion or experience.

Taste And Decency
Advertising shall be free of statements, illustrations or implications which are offensive to good taste or public decency.

*Adopted by the American Advertising Federation Board of Directors, March 2, 1984, San Antonio, Texas.



Ethics Home Page

Department of Communication, Seton Hall University