Western Civilization IIdelacroix--liberte.jpg (47904 bytes)   
    Course Description



    Informational Technology


         Seton Hall University
       Department of History
       Professor Nathaniel Knight
       Spring 2008





Course Description:

This course will explore the events and processes, the individuals and ideas that have shaped the historical experience of Europe from the seventeenth century to the present day. We will examine the achievements of European Civilization, its impact throughout the world and its costs both within Europe itself and with regard to the peoples of other parts of the world. The course will consist of a mixture of lecture and class discussion. Readings include textbook assignments, primary documents and several short literary works.

Assigned Readings (available for purchase at Campus Bookstore)

    Brian Levack et al, The West: Encounters and Transformations, v. II
    Voltaire, Candide
    Erich Marie Remarque, All Quiet on the Western Front

Additional mandatory readings will be posted on the course web site.


Course Requirements:

Class attendance is mandatory and will be taken into account in calculating your final grade. Readings must be completed by the class meeting for which they were assigned and you should come to class prepared to ask questions and discuss the issues at hand. Written work will consist of two exams, one paper, a series of short response worksheets and a final exam. All assignments must be completed by their designated due date. Extensions will be granted only in the event of a documented emergency. Standards of proper academic conduct will be strictly enforced. For more information see my Statement on Academic Integrity. Final grades will be calculated as follows:

Final Exam 30%
Midterm Exam 25%
Quiz 10%
Response worksheets 15%
Paper 15%
Discussion forums 5%

Margin of discretionary adjustment based on attendance and participation -- 10%

Please feel free to contact me either during my office hours or by e-mail should any problems or concerns arise in the course of the semester.

Informational Technology:

This course requires intensive use of informational technology. All students must have regular access to a personal computer, the world wide web, and electronic mail. Assignments, outlines, and readings will be posted on the course web page and I may require you to submit written work via e-mail. If you have any concerns over technology related issues talk to me and/or contact the help-desk in Corrigan Hall (x2222)

Nathaniel Knight
Seton Hall University
January 11, 2008