Fields of Interest
• Media coverage of the public and nonprofit sectors
• The impact of information technology on nonprofit organizations and local governments.

Professional Experience
Seton Hall University, 2003 to present
Assistant Professor, Graduate Department of Public & Healthcare Administration

• Philanthropy, Voluntarism and the Nonprofit Sector
• Strategic Management and Governance
• Public Policy Analysis
• Research Methods 1
• Public and Nonprofit Leadership
• Public Sector Ethics
• Environment of Public Service
• Financial Management and Budgeting
• Research Methods Seminar, Media & Politics, Information Technology in Public Sector
• Public Administration Internship and Practicum Capstone

University of Wisconsin, Madison, 2002-2003
Post-Doctoral Fellow, Department of Political Science
Directed study measuring the quality and quantity of political news coverage on local television stations nationwide in collaboration with the University of Southern California’s Norman Lear Center. Developed and built the Lear Center Local News Archive, an on-line video research archive of campaign news stories airing on 122 randomly selected television stations during the 2002 campaign.

University of Southern California Annenberg School, 1998-2002
Research Director, Campaign Media Monitoring Project
Developed and implemented content analysis instrument to measure the quality and quantity of political coverage on local television news, both for the 1998 California gubernatorial campaign (monitoring 6 media markets) and the 2000 Presidential campaign (measuring over 70 markets).

University of Southern California Annenberg School, 1995-1999
Co-Director, Media and Injury Prevention Program
Using $1 million multi-year grant from California Office of Traffic Safety, developed instrument for content analysis of radio traffic reports and organized and moderated focus groups to measure effects on driving behavior.

U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer, 1992-1994
District Director for 3 California counties. Coordinated outreach efforts to local and state government officials. Developed policy analysis for Senator and senior staff.

Political and Press Advance Campaign Staff, 1991 to 1995
Managed media and press events for several political campaigns, including Barbara Boxer for U.S. Senate, Kathleen Brown for Governor and Bob Kerrey for President. Organized and moderated message development focus groups.

Ph.D. Public Administration, 2002, University of Southern California
Dissertation: Neighborhoods On-Line: The Adoption and Use of Web Sites By Community and Neighborhood Organizations

Masters of Public Administration, 1997, University of Southern California
Awarded Outstanding Masters Graduate Student, 1997

B.A. Political Science, 1991, University of California, Irvine
Minor in Global Peace and Conflict Studies

Publications& Publications In Review
Hale, M., Franklin-Fowler, E., Goldstein, K. (2007) Capturing multiple markets: A new method of analyzing local television news Electronic News, (forthcoming, November, 2007)

Hale, M., (2007) Superficial Friends: A content analysis of newspaper coverage of nonprofits. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly. (forthcoming, September 2007)

Hale, M., Olsen, T., Franklin-Fowler, E. Hablano Politica: An analysis of Spanish-language television and the 2004 elections. In Latinos, Media and Politics. Federico-Subervei-Valez (ed.) Erlbaum and Associates, Mahwah, NJ. (in press)

Franklin-Fowler, E., Goldstein, K., Hale, M & Kaplan, M. (2007) Does local news measure up? Stanford Law and Policy Review 18 (377)

Hale, M., (2007) Does "local" mean anything? An analysis of local television news coverage of the 2004 elections in Philadelphia. Commonwealth 13 (45-78).

Hale, M., Olsen, T, Franklin-Fowler, E. A matter of language or culture? Comparing election news coverage on Spanish and English-language television news revise and resubmit Mass Communication & Society June, 2007

Hale, M., (2006). Three media markets, three questions, (at least) four answers: Cross-ownership and election coverage. Research Report for the Benton Foundation and Social Science Research Council. August, 2006.

Hale, M., (2006) Television news coverage the 2005 New Jersey elections. Research Report for The Eagleton Institute of Politics, Rutgers University. June, 2006

Hale, M., (2005) The nonprofit sector and the press: Coverage of philanthropy and nonprofits in nine major newspapers. The Center on Philanthropy & Public Policy. University of Southern California. Research Paper- 22 February, 2005.

Kaplan, M., Goldstein, K., & Hale, M. (2004) Local news coverage of the 2004 campaigns: An analysis of nightly broadcasts in 11 markets. The Norman Lear Center. University of Southern California.

Kaplan, M., Goldstein, K., & Hale, M. (2004) Spanish-language TV coverage of the 2004 campaigns. The Norman Lear Center. University of Southern California. Kaplan, M., Goldstein, K., & Hale, M. (2003) Local TV news coverage of the 2002 general election. The Norman Lear Center. University of Southern California.

Hale, M., (2002). Neighborhoods on-line: The adoption and use of web sites by community and neighborhood organizations. Doctoral dissertation, University of Southern California.

Kaplan, M. and Hale, M. (2001) Local TV coverage of the 2000 general election. The Norman Lear Center. University of Southern California.

Elberse, A., Hale, M. & Dutton, W. (2000). Guiding voters through the Net. In Hacker, K. & Van Dijk, J. (Ed.), Digital Democracy. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

Hale, M., Musso, J. & Weare, C. (1999). Developing digital democracy: evidence from Californian municipal Web pages. In Hague, B. & Loader, B. (Eds.), Digital Democracy: Discourse and Decision Making in the Information Age. London: Rutledge Press.

Dutton, W., Elberse, A. & Hale, M. (1999). A case study of a Netizen's guide to elections. Communications of the ACM, 42(12).

Musso, J., Weare, C. & Hale, M. (1999). Designing web technologies for local governance reform: good management or good democracy? Political Communication, 17(1), 1-19.

Weare, C., Musso, J. & Hale, M. (1999). Electronic democracy and the diffusion of municipal Web pages in California. Administration & Society, 1(31).

Kaplan, M. & Hale, M. (1999). Where was the television news? In Lubenow, G.C. (Ed.), The 1998 Governor's Race. Berkeley, CA: Institute for Government Studies.

Ball-Rokeach, S., Hale, M., Schaffer, A., (1998). Changing a media production process: from aggressive to injury sensitive traffic crash stories. In Viswanath, K. & Demers, D. (Eds.), Mass Media, Social Control and Social Change. Des Moines: Iowa State Press.

Grants Received (partial list)
Seton Hall University TLTC (2007-2008) $4500 Teaching with Technology innovation grant

Seton Hall University SURF program (2007) $1000 Undergraduate research mentoring grant

Seton Hall Experiential Learning Program (2006-2007) $3,000 Implementation Grant to incorporate experiential learning component into the classroom

he William Penn Foundation (2006-2008) $75,000. New Jersey in the News. Research grant (with Ingrid Reed).

Seton Hall University (2005). Local Television News Coverage of Nonprofits. $3,000 Technological Research Innovation Grant. Research in progress.

The William Penn Foundation (2005). Local News Coverage of the 2004 elections by Philadelphia Television Stations. $10,000 research grant (with M. Kaplan).

The Center for Philanthropy and Public Policy (2004). The Nonprofit Sector and the Press. $15,000 research grant.

Pew Hispanic Center (2004). Spanish language TV coverage of the 2004 elections. $15,000 research grant (with M. Kaplan and K. Goldstein). Report available at

The Joyce Foundation (2004). Local TV News Coverage of the 2004 General Election.$100,000 research grant (with M. Kaplan and K.Goldstein). Report available at

Seton Hall University (2004). The Nonprofit Sector and the Press. $4,000 University Research Council Summer Stipend grant.

The Pew Charitable Trust (2002). Local TV News Coverage of the 2002 General Election. $350,000 research grant (with M. Kaplan and K. Goldstein). Report available at

The Ford Foundation (2000). Local TV Coverage of the 2000 General Election. $50,000 research grant (with M. Kaplan). Report available at

Conference Presentations
Southern Political Science Conference (January, 2005,2006 and 2007)
Papers given/planned at ARNOVA (November 2005)
Western Conference on Nonprofit Organizations (November 2005)
Teaching and Learning Political Science Conference (February 2005)
Midwest Political Science Association Conference (April 2004)
American Society for Public Administration Conference (March 2004)
American Political Science Association Conference (August 2003)
International Political Science Association Governance Section Conference (March 2001)
American Society for Public Administration Conference (April 2000)
Western Political Science Association Conference (April 1999).


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