Proposition 5.1.3: Unions of Open Sets, Intersections of Closed Sets
- Every union of open sets is again open.
- Every intersection of closed sets is again closed.
- Every finite intersection of open sets is again open
- Every finite union of closed sets is again closed.
Let { U n } be a collection of open sets, and let U =
To prove the second statement, simply use the definition of closed sets and de Morgan's laws.
Now let U n, n=1, 2, 3, ..., N be finitely many open sets. Take x in the intersection of all of them. Then:
- x is in the first set: there exists an
with ( x -
, x +
) contained in the first set
- x is in the second set: there is
with ( x -
, x +
) contained in the second set.
- ....
- x is in the N-th set: there is
with ( x -
, x +
) contained in the last set.
- let
= min{
, ...,
}. Then ( x -
, x +
) is contained in each set U n
The last statement follows again from de Morgan's laws.