Example 7.3.3(e): Outer Measure of Intervals
Find the outer measure of the set A of all rational numbers in
[0, 1]. Also show that for any finite collection of
intervals covering A we have that the sum of their lengths is
greater or equal to 1.
First, let's find the outer measure of the set A. The rational
numbers in [0, 1] are countable so we can write the set
A = { r1, r2, r3, ... }.
For each rn define the set
Rn = (rn - 2-n/Then the collection { Rn } is a countable cover of A with open intervals, so it is part of the infimum for computing m*(A). But, rn + 2-n/
Therefore m*(A)l(Rn) =
2-n =

Well, alright, the above proof is off by a factor 2 or so, but
it does not matter if
so the prove is valid (fix the constants, though).
As for the second part, it is left as an exercise. Compare with some of the previous examples as a hint.