1.3. Basic Topology

Theorem 1.3.X: Triangle Inequality
  For all complex numbers z and w we have:
|z + w| |z| + |w|

blah blah

Definition 1.3.x: Disks, Open, and Closed Sets
  The set D(z0, r) is the open disk centered at z0 with radius r. In other words:
D(z0, r) = {z C : |z - z0| < r }
A set U is called open if for every z U there exists an r > 0 such that D(z, r) U. A set C is called closed if its complement comp(C) is open.

blah blah

Example 1.3.X: Simple sets inC
  If c is a (complex) constant, then clearly the set {z = c} is a single point in the plane. Describe the sets
  • { Re(z) = c}
  • { Im(z) = c}
  • { Arg(z) = c}
  • { |z| = c}
  • { z = }
  • { r cis(t) = c}
  • { z = r cis(t): r = c}
  • { z = r cis(t): t = c}

blah blah

Example 1.3.X: Disks and friends
  The set { |z - c| < r } is an open disk centered at c with radius r (explain). What are:
  • { |z - c| > r }
  • { |z - c| r }
  • { r1 < |z - c| < r2 }
  • { c1 < Arg(z) < c2 }
  • { |z - 2z| < r}
circles, disks (inside/outside), annulus, lines, half-planes

Interactive Complex Analysis, ver. 1.0.0
(c) 2006-2007, Bert G. Wachsmuth
Page last modified: May 29, 2007