Proposition 1.2.18: Roots of Unity |
The n n-th roots of unity are given by wnk, where k = 0, 1, 2, ... n-1 andwn = cis(2They form the vertices of a regular polygon and add up to zero, i.e. they satisfy the equation: |
Our proofs so far, for the most part, were mostly computational and did not require great ingenuity. But the proof of the second part of this statement is different, it needs some smart trickery. The first part, though, is straight foward. Let
wn = cis(2/n)
wnk = cis(2 k/ n)
by DeMoivre's formula. Therefore, using that formula again:
(wnk)n = cis(2 k n/ n) = cis(2 k
) = 1
for all positive integers k. Thus, each wnk is an n-th root of unity (because its n-th power is 1). And if k = 0, 1, 2, ..., n-1 then all wnk are distinct so that we have indeed found n different n-th roots of 1.
As for the second part, let
Sn = 1 + z + z2 + z3 + ... + zn
z Sn = z + z2 + z3 + ... + zn + zn+1
Subtracting terms we get
Sn - z Sn = Sn(1-z) = 1 - zn+1
because all terms of Sn - z Sn except the
first and last remain. But then, for z 1
Sn = 1 + z + z2 + z3 + ... + zn = 1-zn+1/1-z
or equivalently Sn-1 = 1-zn/1-z. But then
(1-z) Sn-1 = (1-z)(1 + z + z2 + z3 + ... + zn-1) = 1 - zn
If we now substitute wn = cis(2/n)
for n > 0 we have
(1-wn)(1 + wn + wn2 + ... + wnn-1) = 1 - (wn)n = 0
because wnn = 1. But now our statement
follows because wn 1
if n > 0. Now that's a proof.
Here are, for example, the eight roots of z8=1:
The 8 roots of z8=1 Sum of 8-th roots is zero
Incidentally, the fact that
(1-z)(1 + z + z2 + z3 + ... + zn-1) = 1 - zn
can also be confirmed by "long division" - but who wants to do that ...