Theorem 1.2.12: Multiplying complex numbers geometrically

If z = r1 cis(s) and w = r2 cis(t) in polar coordinates then
z*w = r1 r2 cis(s + t)
zn = rn cis(ns)

Context Context

The formulas means:

Multiplying vectors z and w

The proof is an exercise in trig identities. Recall that:

(1)       cos(x + y) = cos(x)cos(y)-sin(x)sin(y)
(2)       sin(x + y) = sin(x)cos(y)+cos(x)sin(y)


z*w = r1 cis(s) r2 cis(t) =
     = r1(cos(s)+ i sin(s)) r2(cos(t) + i sin(t)) =
     = r1 r2 (cos(s)+ i sin(s))(cos(t) + i sin(t)) =
     = r1 r2 (cos(s) cos(t) - sin(s)sin(t)) + i(cos(s)sin(t) + sin(s)cos(t)) =
     = r1 r2 (cos(s+t) + i sin(s+t)) =
     = r1 r2 cis(s+t)

which proves the first assertion. As for the second, first note that

z2 = z*z = r cis(t) r cis(t) = r2 cis(2t)

by our previous result. Now you should be able to finish the proof by carefully writing down an induction proof yourself.

[ x ]

Interactive Complex Analysis, ver. 1.0.0
(c) 2006-2007, Bert G. Wachsmuth
Page last modified: May 29, 2007