Lecture 5: Simple Programs with a GUI

To see how we could use the Frame class to create our own programs, here is a simple example:
import java.awt.Frame;

public class TestFrame extends Frame
   public TestFrame(String title)

Save above code in a file name TestFrame.java...

public class TestMain
   public static void main(String[] args)
      TestFrame frame = new TestFrame("Test Program");

Save above code in a file name TestMain.java...

To run the program after successfully compiling it, type 
java TestMain
If you are trying to run a class file, Java looks for a method named main. If that method exists, it executes it. Otherwise, it generates an error message. Hence, all Java programs must start with the main method. 
In our case, the main method instantiates an object called TestFrame which extends Frame (and hence also extends all classes mentioned in the previous hierarchy. That object's constructor calls its superclass constructor with the title argument, then calls upon the resize and show methods to first resize the frame to 100 by 100 pixels, then shows the frame on the screen. 
It is important to understand why things happen and at what time: the main method is the beginning of every standalone Java program. Usually, it is very short and is used as a basic setup method to start other objects which in turn will do all of the work that the program is supposed to accomplish. In this case, the constructor of the newly instantiated object TestFrame is responsible for resizing and showing the frame on the screen.
However, if you do run this program you will notice that while the Frame (with the appropriate title) will indeed appear on the screen, clicking on the close boxes will not close the program. In fact, there is no way to close this program down nicely, since we did not build in the necessary methods to accomplish that. The program needs to be killed, using whatever 'kill' mechanism your operating system provides (the word 'kill' is used because to shutdown programs in a Unix environment, the system command to use is named kill).
Not being able to quit a program is, of course, not a good idea, so let's add a button to quit the program. Our first step would be to look up the appropriate class in the java.awt package. You will find there a Button class, which sounds like it would be the appropriate class to use. Here is the description of the Button class with the most important methods:
public class java.awt.Button extends java.awt.Component
        // Constructors
    public Button();
    public Button(String  label);

        // Selected Methods
    public String getLabel();
    public void setLabel(String  label);
Note that the Button class extends the Component class which we have already seen in the previous lecture. Before we can add any components to our Frame, we need to decide where it should go. Layout of GUI components in Java is handled by Layout Managers. There are several layout managers available. For now we will use a FlowLayout which means that all components will be layed out in one row, one after the other, in the order they were added. Here is the modified program that will set the layout of our frame to a FlowLayout and add a Quit button to the frame. Note that since we are now using the classes Button and FlowLayout, we need to import them from the java.awt package. In fact, to be safe, we will import all classes from the java.awt package. The lines that have changed from the previous version are printed in bold. The public class TestMain does not change at all, so no need to retype that class (I don't list it here again):
import java.awt.*;

public class TestFrame extends Frame
   Button Quit = new Button("Quit");

   public TestFrame(String title)
      setLayout(new FlowLayout());
While this will indeed place a button labeled "Quit" in the middle of the window, nothing actually happens when we click on that button. Just because the button says "Quit" does not mean that the corresponding action will indeed occur. To see how we can accomplish our next step, we need to understand event-driven programming. 

Before describing events, note the line that says:

   setLayout(new FlowLayout()); 

The setLayout is a call to an existing method of a Frame, and that method, if you look it up in the Java API, requires as input a Layout Manager. In this case, we use a FlowLayout as input. Technically, the call new FlowLayout() instantiates a new class and passes that new instance to the setLayout method, but does not use a special variable or field to store that class. That is convenient if we only need the class once.

For example, instead of adding a button Quit as a field to our class, and then adding that field to the Frame via the add(quit) method, we could have instead said add(new Button("Quit")). That, for now, would have the same effect, but we could not refer to the quit button any longer in the rest of the program. Since we do need the quit button elsewhere in the program, we have chosen to use a field for it. The layout, on the other hand, will not be needed any more.

Now, let's return to event handling: any action that a user takes, such as pressing a key, moving the mouse, clicking on a button, selecting a menu etc, generates an event of various types. When an event occurs, it is passed to the various components that make up a Java program, and those components can choose to act upon the event. Some of the most frequent events are action events such as clicking the mouse, events such as selecting a close box,  and mouse moving and dragging events. When those events occur over a Frame object, the event is automatically passed to existing methods of a frame. What the programmer has to do is 
to understand what user action will generate which type of event
which existing method is called upon to handle that event type
how to override the method so that a useful action ensues
Here is our next version of the TestMain program that will now actually quit when the quit button is pressed. The TestMain object remains unchanged, and in the TestFrame object the new code is displayed in bold:
import java.awt.*;

public class TestFrame extends Frame
   Button Quit = new Button("Quit");

   public TestFrame(String title)
      setLayout(new FlowLayout());

   public boolean action(Event e, Object arg)
      if (e.target == Quit)
         return true;
         return false;
Recall that the action method is part of the Component method (which is a superclass of our TestFrame object, several levels removed). This method is automatically called when an 'action event' takes place in the Frame object. We have now overridden that method to hide the frame, dispose it, and finally call the System.exit method. This last method will simply try to return all resources to the operating system and quit the current program, returning an exit code of 0 to the operating system (because 0 was used as input parameter to the System.exit method). Before executing the System.exit method (and thereby shutting down our program) we first check if the action event had as its target our Quit button. If so, quit the program and return true (to indicate that our action method handled the event), otherwise return false (to indicate that our action method did not handle the event). We could, in fact, decide to also pass the event along to the superclass' action method, if desired.
Next, we want to add a text field to our program and a second button called 'action'. If the action button is clicked, some text should be displayed in the text field, the Quit button should still work as before. First, we need to find the definition of a TextField:
public class java.awt.TextField extends java.awt.TextComponent
        // Constructors
    public TextField(int cols);
    public TextField(String  text);

        // Selected Methods
    public char getEchoChar();
    public void setEchoCharacter(char  c);
Note that the TextField class extends TextComponent:
public class java.awt.TextComponent extends java.awt.Component
        // Selected Methods
    public String getText();
    public boolean isEditable();
    public void setEditable(boolean  t);
    public void setText(String  t);
This class in turn is a subclass of the Component class which we have seen before. Here is our new program (which the changed code in bold):
import java.awt.*;

public class TestFrame extends Frame
   Button Quit = new Button("Quit");
   Button Action= new Button("Action");
   TextField Output = new TextField(20);

   public TestFrame(String title)
      setLayout(new FlowLayout());

   public boolean action(Event e, Object arg)
      if (e.target == Quit)
         return true;
      else if (e.target == Action)
         Output.setText("Button was clicked");
         return true;
         return false;
Note that by now you should have a pretty good understand of why this program will do what it does. One thing to note, however, is that we replaced the resize(100,100) method with the validate() and pack() methods. That will optimize the frame so that all components, properly layed out according to the chosen layout manager, will fit just right into the frame.
Next, we will add another event handler that will produce some action any time the mouse is clicked inside the frame. Recall that the component class has methods named mouseDown, mouseUp, etc. Since we do want to override these methods, we have no choice for the parameter list: we must use the same one as the given method has, otherwise we would overload instead of override the appropriate methods. Here's the code, again with the new code in bold:
import java.awt.*;

public class TestFrame extends Frame
   Button Quit = new Button("Quit");
   Button Action = new Button("Action");
   TextField Output = new TextField(20);

   public TestFrame(String title)
      setLayout(new FlowLayout());
   public boolean action(Event e, Object arg)
      if (e.target == Quit)
         return true;
      else if (e.target == Action)
         Output.setText("Button was clicked");
         return true;
         return false;
   public boolean mouseDown(Event e, int x, int y)
      Output.setText("Mouse down");
      return true;
   public boolean mouseUp(Event e, int x, int y)
      Output.setText("Mouse up");
      return true;
Before clicking the mouse anywhere, make sure you resize the window so that there's some empty space somewhere. Then click the mouse in various places. Also, hold it down for a little, then let it go. See what happens in the Output field.
Next, we want to try to do a complete, reasonably useful program - yet not too difficult. Let's say we want to keep a running total of integers. One idea would be to use a while loop, asking for user input, and adding the appropriate numbers. However, programs with a GUI are event driven, and the phrase 'waiting for user input' in meaningless. After all, user input could come at any time in form of clicking or moving the mouse, touching a key, clicking on a button, etc.
Let's decide to reuse the button labeled "Action". When a user clicks that button, the number that is currently in the TextField will be added to the sum. The current value of the sum should be updated each time the "Action" button is pressed. (of course, we could also rename the button and its label). We also need the "Quit" button to quit the program. We do not need to intercept mouse click events any longer. Here's the code that accomplishes that:
import java.awt.*;

public class TestFrame extends Frame
   Label  Status = new Label("current sum");
   Button Quit = new Button("Quit");
   Button Action = new Button("Action");
   TextField Output = new TextField(20);

   int Sum = 0;

   public TestFrame(String title)
      setLayout(new FlowLayout());

   public boolean action(Event e, Object arg)
      if (e.target == Quit)
         return true;
      else if (e.target == Action)
         String toAdd = Output.getText();
         Sum += Integer.parseInt(toAdd);
         return true;
         return false;
A couple of things should be noted:
a Label object has been added to our layout. Labels contain non-editable information
The getText and setText methods are used to retrieve info from the TextField and store the new sum in the Label
The getText method will always return a string, and the setText method must have a String as input
To convert a number to a String, one can us the String.valueOf(number) method
To convert a String to an integer, one can use the Integer.parseInt(String) method
The rest of the program has not really changed too much and is easy to understand. Here's a question, though: What happens if a non-integer is entered into the TextField. 
To create more interesting programs, we need to know more about the layout managers that are available to us. Java offers the following layout managers:
arranges all components in one row. If the components do not fit in one row, an attempt is made to 'wrap' the components to the next row.
arranges all components in table form with a specific number of rows and columns. All cells in the table will be of equal size, corresponding to the largest component that is added to the grid.
arranges components into five areas labeled East, West, North, South, and Center, as indicated in the table below:
Arranges components in a table. This time, however, the cells can have different sizes, and the number of rows and columns does not have to stay constant. In other words, the first row could have three columns, the second one two, and the last row four.
Layout manager that can switch between different layouts. This is used to give a user different choices based on a selection they make.
GridBagLayout and CardLayout are the most difficult ones. We will first focus on the first three, where we have already seens an example of the FlowLayout. 
Let's redesign our 'summation' program to use a GridLayout:
import java.awt.*;

public class TestFrame extends Frame
   Button    Quit = new Button("Quit");
   Button    Add= new Button("Add");
   Button    Reset = new Button("Reset");
   Label     Number = new Label("Number:");
   TextField Output = new TextField(6);
   TextField Input  = new TextField(6);

   int Sum = 0;

   public TestFrame(String title)
      setLayout(new GridLayout(2,3));
      add(Number);  add(Input); add(Output);
      add(Add);     add(Reset); add(Quit);

   public boolean action(Event e, Object arg)
      if (e.target == Quit)
         return true;
      else if (e.target == Add)
         String toAdd = Input.getText();
         Sum += Integer.parseInt(toAdd);
         return true;
      else if (e.target == Reset)
         Sum = 0;
         return true;
         return false;
 This looks somewhat nicer, but it's not quite right. So, we could try to use another layout manager, but for example the BorderLayout will not be right, since we have six components, and they don't seem to follow the 'North-South' etc. pattern. Fortunatelly, we can mix different layouts together by creating panels.

Panels can be used to group several components together, using possibly a seperate layout manager for each panel. Then the panels, in turn, can be laid out in the frame using whichever layout manager you want. Together with panels, we can create a nice looking program. Here is a much better looking version of our 'summation' program.

import java.awt.*;

public class TestFrame extends Frame
   Button    Quit  = new Button("Quit");
   Button    Add   = new Button("Add");
   Button    Reset = new Button("Reset");

   Label     AddLabel = new Label("Add:");
   Label     SumLabel = new Label("Sum:");

   TextField Output = new TextField(6);
   TextField Input  = new TextField(6);

   int Sum = 0;

   public TestFrame(String title)
      Panel InputOutput = new Panel();
      InputOutput.setLayout(new GridLayout(2,2));
      InputOutput.add(AddLabel);   InputOutput.add(Input);
      InputOutput.add(SumLabel);   InputOutput.add(Output);

      Panel ButtonBar = new Panel();
      ButtonBar.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
      ButtonBar.add(Add); ButtonBar.add(Reset); ButtonBar.add(Quit);

      setLayout(new BorderLayout());
      add("Center", InputOutput);
      add("South",  ButtonBar);


   public boolean action(Event e, Object arg)
      if (e.target == Quit)
         return true;
      else if (e.target == Add)
         String toAdd = Input.getText();
         Sum += Integer.parseInt(toAdd);
         return true;
      else if (e.target == Reset)
         Sum = 0;
         return true;
         return false;

We'll look a little more thoroughly into layout managers and panels in the next lecture. We'll also start creating Applets soon, and see how to easly turn a stand-along program into a web-enabled applet and vica versa.
