The Frame Class Hierarchy

Notice that a Frame extends Window. Hence, it inerits all methods and public fields from the Window class, and we need to know the methods of that class as well before we can understand the Frame class:

public class java.awt.Window extends java.awt.Container
        // Constructors
    public Window(Frame  parent);

        // Selected Methods
    public void pack();
    public void show();
    public void toBack();
    public void toFront();
Since this class in turn extends Container, we need to know the Container class:
public abstract class java.awt.Container extends java.awt.Component
        // Selected Methods
    public Component add(Component  comp);
    public Dimension preferredSize();
    public void setLayout(LayoutManager  mgr);
    public void validate();
Again, this class is a subclass, this time of the Component class:
public abstract class java.awt.Component 
                extends java.lang.Object
                implements java.awt.image.ImageObserver
        // Selected Methods
    public boolean action(Event  evt, Object  what);
    public boolean handleEvent(Event  evt);
    public void hide();
    public boolean keyDown(Event  evt, int  key); 
    public boolean keyUp(Event  evt, int  key);
    public boolean mouseDown(Event  evt, int  x, int  y); 
    public boolean mouseEnter(Event  evt, int  x, int  y);
    public boolean mouseExit(Event  evt, int  x, int  y);
    public void paint(Graphics  g);
    public void repaint();
    public void resize(int  width, int  height);
    public void setBackground(Color  c); 
    public void setForeground(Color  c);
    public void show();
    public void update(Graphics  g);
    public void validate();
Finally, this is a subclass of the Object class:
public class java.lang.Object
        // Constructors
    public Object();
        // Selected Methods
    public boolean equals(Object  obj);
    protected void finalize();
    public String toString();

All methods in any of these classes are accessible to a Frame object.