/* tictac_lib.h Library header file to define helper functions to create a two-player tic-tac-toe game (text-based). The 'board' is reprsented by a N by N tabe (2D array), where N should be between 3 and 10. The 'player' symbols are single characters (defined as constants). */ // Returns true is 'row' has N 'player' symbols int isRowFull(char board[10][10], int N, char player, int row); // Returns true if 'col' has N 'player' symbols int isColFull(char board[10][10], int N, char player, int col); // Returns true if the main diagonal contains N 'player' symbols int isDiagFull(char board[10][10], int N, char player); // Returns true if the minor diagonal contains N 'player' symbols int isMinorDiagFull(char board[10][10], int N, char player); // Returns true if there are N 'player' symbols in any row, column, // or diagonal int hasPlayerWon(char board[10][10], int N, char player); // Returns true if all spots are occupied int gameOver(char board[10][10], int N); // Initialize the board to 'empty' characters void init_board(char board[10][10], int N); // Displays the board with the 'player' symbols void show_board(char board[10][10], int N); // Asks the user for row and column of symbol and, if the input is // valid, places the 'player' symbol at the indicated slot. void getMove(char board[10][10], int N, char player);