Delete Procedure for Binary Search Tree
The procedure below implements a Delete mechanism for a binary search tree, according to the specifications:
procedure Delete(var BST: BinarySearchTree; key: KeyType; var success: boolean); { PRE: The tree is not empty } { POST: If node with given key value exits, it is deleted } { and success is set to true. The current element is } { set to the Root of the tree. Otherwise, success is } { false. }
{ Bert G. Wachsmuth } { April 12, 1996 } procedure Delete(var BST: BinarySearchTree; key: KeyType; var success: boolean); var p, parent, right : NodePointer; procedure FindRightMost(var p, parent : NodePointer); { Utility procedure to find the right-most node and it's parent } { starting at node p } begin parent := p; while (p^.right <> nil) do begin parent := p; p := p^.right; end; end; begin p := BST.root; FindNodes(p, parent, key); if (p <> nil) then begin if (p^.left = nil) and (p^.right = nil) then {**************************} {* Deleting a leaf *} {**************************} begin if (p <> BST.root) then if (parent^.data.keynil) then {*****************************************} {* Deleting node with empty left subtree *} {*****************************************} begin if (p <> BST.root) then if (parent^.data.key nil) and (p^.right = nil) then {******************************************} {* Deleting node with empty right subtree *} {******************************************} begin if (p <> BST.root) then if (parent^.data.key right) then parent^.right := right^.left else p^.left := right^.left; Dispose(right); BST.current := BST.root; Success := true; end end else Success := false; end;