The Assault on Good News


          Teen pregnancy rates are plummeting, the government is flush

          and jobs are plentiful. So why do we insist on being miserable?



           I was gamely sitting through the second bone-crunching, blood-gushing

           hour of "Fight Club" the other night when I found myself involuntarily wondering

           how much damage the movie was doing to society. For most Beltway types, this is a

          sadly automatic spasm. A similar thought tends to flit through my mind when watching

          a late night rerun of Jerry Springer, or the latex melodrama of cable wrestling.

          After Tipper Gore and Bill Bennett, watching mindless violence just isn't any

          fun anymore.


          In fact, if I hadn't already read that very week that violent crime had just

          plummeted to yet another record low, I might even have sustained my

          unease. But then I had one of those extremely rare "Hey, wait a minute"

          epiphanies and wondered whether I hadn't gotten it exactly the wrong way



          Given the free-falling murder and assault rates, could the popularity of cable

          wrestling and Jerry Springer and blood-splattered movies actually be helping

          to reduce crime? I wondered, for one truly liberating moment, if you took a

          1990's chart of Jerry Springer's ratings and turned it upside down, wouldn't

          it look exactly the same as a chart of the murder rate in New York City?


          It's a thought at least. The fact that you probably think I'm joking suggests

          how immune we still are to the good news that keeps bombarding us every

          day. The idea that movie violence helps reduce crime is no less plausible on

          reflection than the idea that movie violence actually causes it. Maybe venting

          violence in the culture helps reduce it in reality. It would certainly jibe more

          with what we actually know about the data. Yet we resist this idea as

          tenaciously as we resist any number of other reasons to be cheerful at the

          end of the millennium. To wit: the pregnancy rate for girls between the ages

          of 15 and 17 hits a 40-year low, and yet we still fret frantically about

          youngsters accessing porn on the Web. Welfare rolls collapse and

          unemployment rates hug the bottom of the y-axis, yet Bill Bradley can still

          avow that "the very meaning of America . . . is again under assault. . . . To

          allow this kind of poverty to exist in America is simply . . . unconscionable."

          Former drug users and binge drinkers turn into agreeable Republican

          Presidential candidates, yet the war on drugs and alcohol only intensifies.

          Surpluses mount and the national debt declines, and yet the notion of an

          incompetent, gridlocked government is still embedded in the national



          Pessimism, it seems, is a hard habit to break. Since the early 1970's, bad

          news — especially in social indicators — became so common that the

          question was simply whom or what to blame. In the last decade, the news

          has changed, but the question has remained doggedly the same. David

          Whitman, in his book, "The Optimism Gap," asked why Americans, despite

          seeing good times ahead for themselves, still tell pollsters they think others

          are doomed.


          But the resilience of pessimism is not just in economics. To take an almost

          comic example, Bill Bennett just brought out a new edition of his former

          classic, "Index of Leading Cultural Indicators," as if the premise of the first

          edition, that America was speeding toward Gomorrah, still held. But almost

          every trend Bennett panicked about in his first edition — from teen

          pregnancy to lax law enforcement — has gotten better, not worse, in the

          interim. To his credit, even Bennett has beaten at least a partial retreat.

          "These are times in which conservatives are going to have to face the fact

          that there is some good news on the landscape," he told a crushed

          conservative audience two years ago. "We're going to have to live with it."



          Nevertheless, bearers of good news can still expect to be punished. Earlier

          this year, two scholars, John Donohue III and Steven Levitt, from Stanford

          University Law School and the University of Chicago, wrote a paper

          positing that falling crime rates in the 1990's might be linked to the

          widespread legalization of abortion in the 1970's. Their thesis, buttressed by

          solid statistical models, argued that since poor, underprivileged women had

          fewer babies from the mid-1970's onward, and since unwanted, poor kids

          are disproportionately likely to become criminals in their late teens, the

          soaring abortion rates of the 1970's and 1980's might have had a silver

          lining. The academics even showed how those states that legalized abortion

          first in the early 1970's saw their crime rates also drop first in the 1990's.

          The study wasn't a slam-dunk, but it was a legitimate idea worth discussing.

          Instead, both anti-abortion and abortion rights activists savaged the report.

          The anti-abortion crowd wanted nothing to offset the bleakness of abortion

          on demand. Abortion rights advocates saw thinly veiled racism amid the

          scholars' good cheer. Donohue and Levitt had to run a gamut of abuse on

          the way to publication.


          The identical thing happened to a recent study showing far lower rates of

          suicide among Vietnam veterans than previously imagined. The author,

          Michael Kelley, a Purple Heart Vietnam vet, couldn't get his work published

          in veterans' publications, even though he showed that suicide numbers should

          be reduced from a widely quoted figure of 150,000 to under 5,000. An

          equally sour reception greeted a study published by the American

          Psychological Association. Assessing data on effects of child-molestation,

          the paper found that lasting psychological trauma among adult survivors of

          abuse, particularly for men, was much less than feared. The results from 36

          peer-reviewed studies and 23 dissertations showed that victims of child

          abuse seemed on average only slightly less well adjusted by the time they got

          to college than their peers. A reason for relief? Of course not. Outraged

          members of the religious right accused the A.P.A. of tolerating pedophilia

          and launched a crusade to punish the organization. The authors stressed that

          their findings "do not imply that moral or legal definitions of or views on the

          behaviors currently classified as [child sexual abuse] should be abandoned

          or even altered," but the House of Representatives voted 355-0 to condemn

          the article anyway. That'll teach them to look on the bright side.


          It's not hard to see why optimism gets such a bad rap. It doesn't fit into our

          ideological framework. The right won't believe that without reviving religion,

          censoring Hollywood, stigmatizing homosexuals and restricting divorce,

          people can actually behave more morally or responsibly. The left won't

          believe that without hefty government programs and a paleoliberal in the

          White House, the lives of most Americans can get better. The good news of

          the last decade has proved both sides wrong.


          The era of smaller government, welfare reform, free trade and balanced

          budgets has seen declining poverty, record employment and lower crime.

          The era of Jerry Springer, "South Park," gay marriage and "Fight Club" has

          seen less divorce, abortion and crime and fewer teenage pregnancies.

          Something is amiss, and it has nothing to do with our vibrant society, and

          everything to do with our moribund politics. Which is one reason voting rates

          keep falling and cable wrestling's ratings keep rising, a sad fact that, come to

          think of it, is oddly cheering.



          Table of Contents

          November 07, 1999