on campus: X5837  Off: FH 26  Email:


COURSE OBJECTIVE:  This course is the foundation for any students interested in expressing themselves visually.  Students will learn to use the visual language of film to communicate ideas and feelings.


COURSE DESCRIPTION:  There are three major projects due through out the semester.


Photo Assignment: Each student will shoot a series of still photographs (30-50) that when put together tell a single story visually.  Emphasis is on composition, lens and angle.  A 35mm camera or digital is necessary.  A SLR camera is preferred for this assignment. Student responsible for film and processing. 15% of final grade


Short paper (due June 18).  Do any three of the video exercises listed in the textbook.  Instructor must be advised ahead of time of which video exercises. OR   Discuss a film in depth in terms of visual style.  Examine one scene in detail   Films must come from the “Films for Study” sections in the book from the chapters covered by June 1420% of final grade


Final Project:  Students have a choice.  1) Write a paper using three film examples to explore one director’s style or one film theory.  Films must come from the “Films for Study” listed in end of each book chapter covered this semester.   2) Write a paper based on Chapter 13 or 14 in the book . (to be discussed in class in further detail) Films must come from those two chapters.  3) Student individually shoots and edits a visual imagery project to convey a thought or feeling.  NO ACTORS, NO MUSIC - 35% of final grade


Midterm and Final exams:  20% each of final grade


10% Class participation, attendance/tardiness,


Required text:  Art of Watching Films, Boggs  7th ed.


Open laptops are prohibited in class.


ABSENCE:  Students lose a half grade in CP grade for each absence throughout the semester.  If the student is absent, the student is required to call 973-275-5837 to inform instructor that the student will not be in class.  Also, this class starts on time; students will be penalized for lateness.


The student must meet his/her deadlines.  In an actual job, a late assignment would get someone fired - the instructor will just deduct one letter grade each class period. ABSOLUTELY, POSITIVELY NO EXCEPTIONS.


COURSE SCHEDULE: (subject to change, except where bold) In addition, there will be weekly screenings and in-class assignments.


May  29  Syllabus review, Basic principles: Visuals as Art, Boggs  Chap. 1.


May  31  Visual theories Chap. 12

    Visuals relation to the other arts; semiotics, Boggs  Chap. 3.


June  4  The shot and the camera,  Chap. 5,   Class meets in TV Studio


June  5  The shot and the camera,  Chap. 5   Class meets in TV studio


June  7  Visual Design  Boggs, chap. 4, Color, Chap. 7 


June 11  Screening :  Rumblefish , Class Discussion, Midterm review


June 12  MIDTERM,  Photo assignment due,


June 14  Editing , Boggs  Chap. 6


June 18  Theme and Story , Chap. 2, 3  Short Papers  due   


June 19  Screening:  “Bad Timing”  Class discussion, e.g. of final projects shown


June 21  Genres,  Chap. 14,  Acting Chap. 10 ,  Demo: Cameras,


June 25  Director’s Style, Chap. 11 Adaptations, Chap. 13, 

   Issues of Censorship, Chap. 15


June 26  Screening:  TBA, class discussion,  Final Review