PROF. THOMAS RONDINELLA  OFF:  FH 26    PH: 973 275 5837 

SHU email: rondinth


COURSE OBJECTIVE:  Students further develop the hands-on skills learned in TV Production I by writing and directing their own original studio television production and videotaping on location. Students learn the responsibilities of producing a show and coordinating talent.  The following material is covered throughout the semester:  The production team, Field production, digital editing, Setting and Lighting and actual production.




1.  Each student will be assigned to a four person team responsible for producing one original television script worth a total of 40% of the final grade.  Each student in the team is responsible for scripting, producing and directing a segment of the original television script worth 20% of the final grade.  Team positions are rotated for each segment.  Crewing on Group Productions worth 20%

The Four Segments of the TV Script are:


Segment A:  Fully produced, in-studio commercial or additional in studio segment with talent that must use the green screen or a remote segment.  To be rolled in during the live production.  Positions of the team: director/writer, TD, AD and FM.  4 pages max.  Director has entire class period to complete 2 takes.


Segment B:  Same as above…


Segment C:  Pre-taped edited field segment to roll in during the live production. Positions for the team are:  director/writer, cameraperson, lighting/boom op, audio mixer.  Each member is graded on their performance. 4 pages max.


Segment D  The actual live production which incorporates segments A, B and C.  Positions of the team are:  director/writer, TD, AD and FM.  Each team member is graded on their performance. 4 pages max.  Director has entire class period to complete 2 takes and is responsible for editing the show.


ALL Directors are responsible for re-shooting anything that needs to be re-shot.  Time is allotted at the end of the semester for studio/field re-shoots.


2.  Two Remote Video Exercises worth 10% of the final grade

Exterior Exercise and Interior/Mixed Lighting Exercise.  Exercises are started in class and are completed as a group homework assignment, which is due on the next class meeting.


3. Found footage editing project worth 20% of their final grade.


4.  Each student is required to spend 10 hours videotaping on location and editing  for the Pirate TV news program20% of grade


5.  10% of the final grade is a proposal/treatment for a Television Production 3 production.


Each student will be responsible for crewing on other fellow classmates productions throughout the semester as a part of their final grade.  Points will be deducted for poor performance, absence and lateness.


Each student is responsible for completing evaluations of group.


Attendance is mandatory and points are deducted off the final grade for classes missed.


Each student who is directing a studio segment must contact Mr. Wicki about their specific needs for the studio at least one week in advance of their shoot or they will not be allowed to shoot.


Production is a team effort; the student must coordinate his/her efforts with the teams.  There are no one-person shows in the television industry.  Thus, students are expected to be prepared for script and team preproduction meetings.  Any production deemed by the professor as not prepared for air will be canceled (with loss of a grade).  Subsequently, any production put to air before scheduled date will be rewarded accordingly.


There is no midterm or final exam.       There is no text.             Now, the rules:


1) If a student is to miss class, the students must call 973-275-5837 as a courtesy. If a student misses an audio or camera assignment, he or she receives a "F" for that assignment.   Also, this class starts on time; students will be penalized for lateness.  Five minutes late during production period warrants reassignment.  No exceptions, no excuses.


2) Critique periods during the semester are part of the course.  A student who misses critique periods hurts the team members and classmates more than him/herself.  Thus, attendance grade is severely impacted.


3) The instructor is a professional and will treat the students as professionals and expect professionalism from them.  Any team member deemed disruptive to their team will be asked to drop the course.  Any attempt to use the non-traditional "classroom" situation during actual production as an opportunity for childish behavior will not be tolerated.  Students deemed disruptive by the professor will be asked to drop the course.  Open laptops are prohibited in class.


4) All equipment should be used gently and left in the same condition as it was at the beginning of the class.  At the end of a production session, camera operators must secure their cameras, roll them out of harms way, and coil the cables neatly on the hose racks on the wall behind the cameras.  Camera operators and floor manager must neatly store their headsets and intercom cables in the designated places. Audio engineers must secure all mikes and cables. 


5) Each team is responsible for the set-up and lighting @ 2 hrs before each production and striking of sets and equipment after production.  This is part of the team grades. 


6) Students assume financial responsibility for all equipment used and signed out. 


TV 2 SCHEDULE – Spring 08 –  Professor Rondinella



Thu, Jan.  10

Syllabus review

Tue, Jan.  15   

Team assignments

Overview of the production

Logistics and Studio Sets

Thu, Jan.  17

Review TV Prod 1

Lottery of production positions

Pre-production – studio and location concerns

Treatments/Scripts due


Tues, Jan. 22   

Remote Camera and Sound – demo with Mr. Wicki

Remote shooting principles including audio concerns

Thur, Jan. 24

Remote class exercise: Exterior Shooting

Assignment: Exterior Exercise

Final Scripts Due

Tue,  Jan. 29

Exterior Exercise Assignment Due

Remote Lighting – Workshop including mixed lighting situations

Thur, Jan. 31

Remote class exercise: Interior Shooting with Mixed lighting

Assignment: Interior Mixed Lighting Exercise

Final Scripts returned for revision

Tue, Feb. 5

Interior Mixed Lighting Exercise Assignments Due

Watch and Review Remote Assignments

Studio Lighting Workshop


Thur, Feb.  7   

Group meetings in Edit room : Editing Concepts, Review FCP

Found footage assignment given

Shooting on Location begins
Final Script Revisions Due

Tue, Feb.  12

 Group meetings in Editing room – Capturing footage

Review control room in groups – Mr. Wicki

Thur, Feb. 14

TBD – TBS meets with Mr Wicki about studio needs for A




Tue, Feb.  19

Production Meetings for Segment A - Marked Up Scripts, Breakdowns Due

Thur, Feb. 21

Shoot Segment A – TBS

Tue, Feb. 26

No class

Thur, Feb. 28

Shoot Segment A – AMC


Tues, Mar 4

Tue, Mar.  4 cont

Production Meetings for Segment B - Marked Up Scripts, Breakdowns Due

Segment C Footage Due

Class Exercise Edit by Segment A and Segment B directors Due

Thur, Mar.  6

Shoot Segment B – TBS

Tue, Mar.  11

Shoot Segment B – AMC

Thur, Mar. 13


Production Meetings for Segment D - Marked Up Scripts, Breakdowns Due

Segment C Rough Cuts Due

Tue, Mar.  18

Shoot Segment D – 1

Tue. Apr.   1

Shoot Segment D – 2

Thur, Apr.  3   

Location shoot day

Tue, Apr.    8

Studio Re-shoots

Optional first draft of TV 3 Treatment Due

Thur, Apr. 10         Recuts and Reshoots

Tue, Apr.  15

Recuts and Reshoots

Thur, Apr. 17


Tue, Apr.  22

Recuts and Reshoots

Thur, Apr.  24

Recuts and Reshoots



Final Period- May 1  1045

Final Shows Due - Screening

TV 3 Treatments Due