FH35   MW  1:00-2:15 PM


Off:   FH 26  ph. 275-5837 SHU email: RondinTh


COURSE OBJECTIVE:  Students learn the craft of broadcast news television production by lecture and hands-on activity.  Students will learn the writing, skills, elocution and performance skills needed to produce a professional newscast live to tape.  The emphasis of the course is on the content and execution of the news stories. 


COURSE ASSIGNMENTS:  This class is patterned after a real job experience. Students are assigned to a six -person group whose responsibility is to produce a ten minute newscast.  Positions are rotated within the group.  The positions are News Anchor (20% of final grade) Weatherperson, Interviewer, Entertainment reporter, Field Reporter, and Sportscaster (each 10% of final grade) 70% of final grade total.


In an odd number group situation, there will be an interviewee worth %10


Two writing exercises worth 5% each  (10% total)


Production is a group effort; the student must coordinate his/her efforts with the groups.  There are no one-person shows in the television industry. Therefore, equally important is the support positions.  The student will be graded on his/her individual efforts within each production. These positions include camera, audio, floor manager, teleprompter, CG and still store, tape op., 20% of final grade.


Directing and switching will be done by the work studies.


There is no midterm or final exam.


Recommended text:  “Broadcast News Handbook” ,  C.A. Tuggle, 2nd ed. with cd/rom supplement


Now, the rules:


1) Absences are not tolerated, no exceptions.  If a student misses class, the student must call 973-275-5837 as a courtesy.  Also, this class starts on time; students will be penalized for tardiness. A student receives a zero for the assigned position for the day, no exceptions.


2) The instructor is a professional and will treat the students with a professional attitude and expect the same from them.  Any attempt to use the non-traditional "classroom" situation during actual production as an opportunity for childish behavior will not be tolerated.  Students deemed disruptive by the professor will be asked to drop the course. 


3)  All equipment will be used gently and left in the same condition as it was at the beginning of the class.  At the end of a production session, camera operators must secure their cameras, roll them out of harms way, and coil the cables neatly on the hose racks on the wall behind the cameras.  Camera operators and floor manager must neatly store their headsets and intercom cables in the designated places.


Class Schedule (subject to change except where bold)


Sep.  3   Syllabus review, logistics, responsibilities,


Sep.  8   Group assignments, What is Broadcast News?  Chap. 1


Sep. 10   Selecting Stories/ Starting to Write, Chap. 2


Sept. 15  Writing leads.  Chap. 3, 4   Writing Exercise #1 given


Sept. 17   Interviewing   Chap. 5    Writing Exercise #2 given


Sept. 22  Writing sports


Sept. 24   The Remote Report,  Chap. 11

                News Formats, Chap. 7,8 Writing Exercise #1 due


Sep.  29  The performance, On camera techniques Writing Exercise #2 due


Oct.  1 Broadcast News in the real world Newscast #1 Draft due


Oct.  6   Tech review studio equipment Newscast #2 Draft due


Oct.  8   Tech review studio equipment  Newscast #3 Draft due


Oct. 13  Newscast #1  Newscast #4 Draft due


Oct. 15 Newscast #2 Newscast #5 Draft due


Oct.  20 Newscast #3 Newscast #6 Draft due


Oct.  22 Newscast #4 Newscast #7 Draft due


Oct.  27 Newscast #5 Newscast #8 Draft due


Oct.  29 Newscast #6 Newscast #9 Draft due


Nov.  3  Newscast #7 Newscast #10 Draft due


Nov.  5  Newscast #8 Newscast #11 Draft due


Nov. 10  Newscast #9 Newscast #12 Draft due


Nov. 12  Newscast #10 Newscast #13 Draft due


Nov. 17  Newscast #11 Newscast #14 Draft due


Nov. 19  Newscast #12 Newscast #15 Draft due


Nov. 24  Newscast #13 Newscast #16 Draft due


Dec.   1   Newscast #14  Newscast #17 Draft due


Dec.   3   Newscast  #15


Dec.   8   Newscast  #16


Dec.  11  Newscast #17


Dec.  17   2:45  Final