Quick Speech Assignment Sheet


Children's Story Telling

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Children’s Story Telling

 live/ real time/ TBD: in-person | synchronous-via Teams

Presentation date = __Weds 9/15/21___

uMentally prepare to participate in a story telling session 
ui.e. be prepared to add  a 1 min. original, impromptu segment to an ongoing, improvised  storytelling exercise
uYou’ll be thinking on your feet to add a one minute segment to the story when it gets handed off to you
u(hypothetical) setting = a story circle
u(hypothetical) audience = 5-yr-old audience}
uBring” a flexible voice & a good imagination! 
u1 minute long (approx.)
uDeliver via “Off the Top of your Head”  (i.e. impromptu)
uConsider techniques  “Delivery”  (Chapter 15 )
uObjective: to exercise your listening, quick thinking,  as well as vocal skills during a story telling marathon session
u   NO written submissions