updated 5/1/2021



 Oral Communication LS -- What the "LS" version of the COST-1600 is all about

 Summary of the thematic areas covered/emphasized  prepared for R. Kensal

(in no particular order)


General Topic/Themes

Subtopics addressed

Persuasion & Followership

Influencing others- the psychology of motivation

Aristotelian principles of argumentation (Ethos, Logos, Pathos)

Knowing the difference between intention & impact (& which one has the stronger effect on human dynamics)

Audience-centeredness: targeting & adaptation to specific listeners


Decoding and comprehending language messages from speakers who are both similar & dissimilar to you.

Listening “in between the lines”: The importance of context.

Critical Listening & Thinking: Evaluating the quality of the evidence & reasoning -

Increasing awareness of personal listening challenges


Structuring messages inductively [stating & then supporting a central idea) = the predominant format in Western culture although other structures exist.

Adapting message structure strategies to the context & to the listeners’ needs.

Recognizing when source material is credible

Speaking Image

How to establish Personal credibility

Projecting believability

Encouraging rapport; Speaking TO, not “at”

Perspective taking

Enhancing the ability to perceive through the eyes & ears of others

Encouraging the pursuit of common ground in diverse populations

Finessing your tools (words & Nonverbals

Encouraging more precise vocabulary usage

Understanding how & why non-word communication cues have more impact than the words themselves

Teamwork as a system

Understanding & taking advantage of the interdependence of all elements within an entity