KINESICS IN ACTION  [Finding and/or illustrating]


TYPE I- (Yellow slip)  __ - “SnapShot Search” (aka screenshot) [Via your computer,  you will be searching the Internet for photo/video footage that corresponds to the specified nonverbal item you’ve picked out of the hat. Your brief  “Show & Tell” to the class should include explanation of :


<1> general category of the nonverbal item (indicated below in caps) /


<2> the specific gesture/behavior you’ve selected to show (your choice) /


<3> whether this item generally operates as speech independent or dependent /


<4> the specific communication context in which this gesture/behavior is occurring (your choice)  /


 <5> how primary researchers would categorize this item  (Kendon, Ekman, etc.) ] {Don’t just select overly-obvious examples.}  {Avoid the obscene.}  {Be prepared to “debrief” via page references.}



TYPE II- (Blue slip)  __ - “Semi-Charades”   [You will pick a specific item out of a hat. After your brief demonstration of that item to the class, your audience must guess:


<1> the general category of the nonverbal item (indicated below in caps) /


<2> the specific gesture /or/ behavior you’ve selected to show (your choice)/


<3> whether this item generally operates as speech independent or dependent /


<4> the specific communication context in which your demonstration is occurring (your choice)  /


<5> how primary researchers would categorize this item (Kendon, Ekman, etc.)]  {Don’t just select overly -obvious examples.} {Avoid the obscene.} {Be prepared to “debrief” via page references.} {You will demonstrate your gesture twice: 1st time silently, second time –if appropriate—with speech. If necessary, solicit respondents from the audience.}



All items discussed primarily within Chaps 7,9,10


__ __  HAND EMBLEM (non-obscene) p.201+

__ __ ILLUSTRATOR  ( any ONE of the 4 referent types / pp.211-212 | 7th ed= 234-5)

__ (__ ) ILLUSTRATOR > (interactive / pp.214-5    | 7th ed= 237-9)

__ (__ ) ILLUSTRATOR > (punctuation/ p.214   | 7th ed= 237{aka regulators})

__ (__ ) ILLUSTRATOR > (relationship to referent / pp.212    | 7th ed= 235-6{aka adaptors})


__ __ FACIAL PRIMACY (p.258-9 )  

__ __ FACIAL EMBLEM (non-obscene) (p.260)


__ __ FACIAL “AFFECT” DISPLAY (any ONE of the types/pp.262    | 7th ed= 296-299)

__ __ FACIAL “AFFECT” BLEND (p.264-5)   

__ __ DUCHENNE Smile /OR/ NON-DUCHENNE Smile (p. 270-3   | 7th ed= 305)

__ __ MUTUAL GAZE (doing any TWO of the functions / pp.296+   | 7th ed= 337)

__ __  GAZE-AS-Dominance (p.306  ) 

__ __ GAZE-as-cultural marker (p.  317-18) 

__  “PUPILLOMETRICS” (via Hess, et al./pp.318-9    | 7th ed= 355-8)

Bonus: Eyebrow flash  [ = gesture, face & eye-related all in one!]