q u e s t i o n s  for the


    group  m i n i - c o n f e r e n c e S


<avoid unsupported generalizations> 

 AT the end of the specified class session, your professor will lead your group in a brief private ( "closed group") discussion of "how are you doing?" at this point in your group's life-as-a-system.


 be prepared to discuss each of these brief items with the professor   ( on your assigned day- see course calendar) :



1 - one 30-60 second answer from each person: What is one thing that you believe is going well in the way your group has been operating so far? [based on your GMAPs as well as your 2 presentation experiences] 



2-  one 30-60 second answer from each person: What is one change you would like to see in the way your group operates ?  [cite a SPECIFIC action/behavior. You can't simply say something like "communicate better" /OR/ " be more polite", etc] 



3 - one 30-60 second answer from each person: What is one(1) specific individual asset that you believe you bring to your group?   [be honest & specific but not egocentric]



4 - one 30-60 second answer from each person: What is one specific area-for-improvement that applies to you, personally? [which would help the group become a higher functioning system and/or help you be a better overall group participant]




revised 1/13