old  version: 9/24/08 - TO BE UPDATED FOR F09

 This information sheet has been written with MUCH detail so that you can work on this project independently throughout the semester; please read ALL of it carefully & email any questions you may have.


{{a semester project }} 



  [as revised from the initial review sheet]


<< Recommendations - click here for a summary of the responses/changes based on this recommendations you submitted >>




        [!!]  If you prefer, you can substitute a "beefed up" version of this section for  Part II.[Option #1]

          [!!] If you are already completing Part II ,as written, you can include Part IV as extra credit.[Option #2]


            Midterm  Submission_window=  10/20/08 -11/5/08   NB: portfolios submitted close to the deadline

                                                                                           might  not be returned for 1-2 weeks

  1. your demonstrated ability to recognize, analyze, and clearly discuss the various elements within group discussion and/or group interaction;
  2. your demonstrated ability to transfer the "book knowledge" to group communication situations in the outside world;
  3. a demonstrated improvement (in comparison to the beginning of the semester) in your own skills of observation and perception.

            You final grading sheet for this portfolio will also indicate whether or not you got the job

             [ of  CGC  {"Chief Group Consultant"}  

    Final (completed) Portfolio Submission Deadline   12/8/08

    Checklist-- Am I ready to submit my final  F08AA Portfolio???

       √ item / Part how many required?
       Table of Contents  1
       Exec memos / Part I   2        (3 maximum)

     Analysis Paper / Part II


    "beefed"Journal Entries /Part IV




      Self Critique / Part III   1





about your recommendations......


The Portfolio will actually be graded holistically [A,B,C,D, etc] but you can think of each Part as being worth 33 points. 

ANNOTATION #1 - Although no recommendations were received about Part I [Executive memos],in the past, suggestions have referred to the length/formality of the memos. Therefore,the length of the memos has been shortened but the quality expectation is the same. Carefully note the content expectations as specified in the section above. There is also now an option to complete one of the memos as a collaborative paper with some co-authoring of one of these post mortem memos. Please note that the total number of required Memos is now down to two.  (For extra credit you can hand in three).  At least two memos are needed to demonstrate one's growth in applying the course material.   


FYI;  It is a great idea to conduct "Post Mortem/Debrief" sessions among the group members so that the group as-a-whole can benefit from the feedback and observations. In fcat, one recommendation suggested conducting such group analysis as an alternative to the Outside-Group-Analysis-Paper.   You are encouraged to share your E.M./P.M observations with your group members but the main purpose of these E.M./P.M.'s is to present YOUR, individual observational qualifications to your instructor.



back to Part I



ANNOTATION #2 - As was mentioned in class, the reason that this should be a real, "real world" group in which you are not performing as an active member is because, being a member of the group being thoroughly analyzed might make it more difficult for you to perceive and interpret the group dynamics with an objective and critical eye.

 Several recommendations were received concerning making part II optional, combining it or switching it out for another segment. One recommendation suggested that the principles of Part II could be covered in the part IV entries so you now have the option to complete (a more comprehensive) Part IV instead.  Different people have different learning goals. If your goal is to get an "A"  in this course/project, substituting Part IV for Part II will require the completion of Part IV with less of a  journal/diary approach and more of an analytical, group-oriented approach to the part IV entries.  "A"  work in this course (i.e. CGC-quality) constitutes demonstrating a strong ability to specifically use the text's concepts to explain and analyze actual group interaction. You should be aware that it's possible but much harder to accomplish that demonstration via the shorter journal entries that constitute Part IV.

     Also, you now have the option to complete Part II [Observing an Outside group] as a group, (However, doing the part II paper by yourself is generally the easier way to go.) Option 2 represents the recommendations that these analyses  be done via a group project. If 2-5 people really want to collaborate on the viewing, analysis, and writing about the same "Real Life" group-- you can, but be aware that the resulting paper should be proportionately longer & even more in depth It will would require coordination for the writing & editing.  In addition, rather than the specifications noted above for an individual doing this assignment, a group/co-authored  paper should select 5-6 course concepts to apply to the observed group. Also it would be appropriate to include a schematic/diagram of the layout & interaction patterns of the discussion being observed. ETC.,ETC.

back to Part II



ANNOTATION #3 - The only recommendations received suggested leaving the Self Critique as is.  Based on recommendations from past semesters, you now have several more options for how you want your self critique to be structured.    Self awareness is such a crucial part of self development and improvement, any course which incorporates self development via experiential learning (such as this one), will work best if the participants periodically STOP, LOOK, and ASSESS themselves. This is also a useful technique for life, not just this course.

In the past, I have heard students acknowledge that people often have difficulty being honest & objective about evaluating their own behaviors.  I agree. This will be an opportunity to begin developing a useful skill.

back to Part III




ANNOTATION #4 - Some recommendations expressed concern with the abstract nature of Part IV [Communication Journal],so two adaptations have been added. One is that the total number of entries = 5-8.  Adaptation #2 is the addition of a list of Communication Dynamics that are commonly observed in everyday, group encounters.  Maybe this list will give you some ideas about what to notice about how many classic communication principles are going on around you all of the time.

Again due to recommendations received, this segment can now be substituted for Part II. However, if you take that option,  be sure that your entries are substantive and based on specific observation sessions.  And please be aware that this substitute option means your PART IV content will need to be more analytical and less descriptive than originally described on the initial review sheet.

 back to Part IV


NB  "A" work in this course (i.e. CGC-quality work) constitutes demonstrating a strong ability to specifically use the text's concepts to explain and analyze actual group interaction.




page updated & revised 9/24/08