BUILDING YOUR SKILLS Willingness to Communicate



Directions:  In the following 20 situations, a person might choose to communicate or not to communicate. Assume that you have completely free choice. Indicate in the space at the left the percentage of times you would choose to initiate communication in each type of situation. Choose any numbers between 0 and 100.


____1. Talk with a service station attendant.

____2. Talk with a physician.

____3. Present a talk to a group of strangers.

____4. Talk with an acquaintance while standing in line.

____5. Talk with a salesperson in a store.

____6. Talk in a large meeting of friends.

____7. Talk with a police officer.

____8. Talk in a small group of strangers.

____9. Talk with a friend while standing in line.

____10. Talk with a waiter/waitress in a restaurant.

____11. Talk in a large meeting of acquaintances

____12. Talk with a stranger while standing in line.

____13. Talk with a secretary.

____14. Present a talk to a group of friends.

____15. Talk in a small group of acquaintances.

____16. Talk with a garbage collector.

____17. Talk in a large meeting of strangers.

____18. Talk with a spouse (or girlfriend/boyfriend).

____19. Talk in a small group of friends.

____20. Present a talk to a group of acquaintances.


Computing Scores of Willingness-to-Communicate Scale


Scoring: The WTC permits computation of one total score and seven subscores. The range for all scores is 0-100.

Follow the procedures outlined below.


 Group Discussion – add scores for items 8, 15, & 19; then divide sum by 3. Scores 89 or above = high WTC. Scores below 57 = low WTC in this context.


 Meetings – add scores for items 6, 11, & 17; divide sum by 3. Scores 80 or above = high WTC. Scores below 39 = low WTC in this context.


 Interpersonal – add scores for items 4, 9, & 12; divide sum by 3. Scores 94 or above = high WTC. Scores below 64 = low WTC in this context.


 Public Speaking – add scores for items 3, 14, & 20; divide sum by 3. Scores 78 or above = high WTC. Scores below 33 = low WTC in this context.


 Stranger – add scores for item 3, 8, 12, & 17; divide sum by 4. Scores 63 or above = high WTC. Scores below 18 = low WTC with these receivers.


 Acquaintance – add scores for items 4, 11, 15, & 20; divide sum by 4. Scores 92 or above = high WTC.  Scores below 57 =  low WTC with these receivers.


 Friends – add scores for items 6, 9, 14, & 19; divide sum by 4.  Scores 99 or above = high WTC.  Scores below 71 = low WTC with these receivers.


To compute the total score for the WTC, add the totals for stranger, friend, and acquaintance; then divide by 3. Scores above 82 = high WTC.  Scores below 52 = low WTC.



Source: James C.McCloskey & Virginia P. Richmond, Fundamentals of Human Communication: An Interpersonal Perspective (Prospect Heights, IL: Waveland Press, 1996, p.53.




Taken from Beebe, et al. 4e