ver 3  {virtual} / { Beebe-9e/8e/7e} \  last updated  3/29/20-10pm

Adapted from A. Newman : HADM 1150: Video Project 1 presented at M.F.A .at Assoc. Business Comm.  Annual Conference - 2018?


S'20 Groupings

Project Rationale

PPTR-F's (for reference)

Find or Create a Video Clip

Possible Family Concepts to Address

Submission Details & Dates (video & written)

Grading Criteria ( rubric pending)

S'20 Teams    
  FT-1 Abigail  I. / Brandon  F. / Kenneth F. / Tyler S.        {Adaptability}rcvd
FT-2 Ava H.  / Kyle W. / Paul D.                         {fictive Kin} rcvd
  FT-3 Mohammed A. / Stephen C. / Terrance S     {laissez-faire}rcvd
  FT-4 Quintar M. / Santiago F. / Mary K./   {siblings & birth order} rcvd
  FT-5 Darren J. / Jack M. / Kathleen C.   { cultural influence>family norms} rcvd                        
  FT-6 Akansha C.  / Carina C. / Dhruv A.        {family-of-origin}rcvd

"Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way." //Leo Tolstoy, Anna Karenina, Chapter 1, first line

RATIONALE -  Some courses in Human/Interpersonal omit the unit in family dynamics.; however,  as the PPTR'-F's state, I  believe it is important to study the dynamics of family-&-family communication for at least two(2) reasons. Your family is the first (& a very powerful) influence on shaping your self-concept. In addition, families are microcosms of their surrounding culture which means they are also the major factor in your "encultluration.

     Through this project -- to be acccomplished via virtual groups -- you will explore, apply, and present a video representation of one specific family concept that you've learned about in your assigned readings.
 (  (i.e. you are actually making a brief, specific &  scholarly presentation to illuminate and thoughtfully explore a dynamic about family communication)
FINDING / CREATING VIDEOCLIPS - Complete the readings (Chap 12 + PPTR-F +  posted article [location pending] any additional information you can find on specific family concepts mentioned within the readings.)
> Find or create a short video—1-to-3 minutes—that illustrates concepts covered in  Chap12 [1st section = family] or the PPTR-F's or  supplemental readings, or class discussions (see sample topics list below).  There are many ways you could proceed: You might recognize something as you're watching your favorite movies or TV shows /or/ you may search online for relevant clips /or/ as a group, you may create your own  video.
Be selective. If you choose the first clip that comes up when you "Google "or search on YouTube for "family," other students may find the same clip, which will not earn you high points on the project and may not be the best illustration anyway.
> Choose illustrations of your selected concept rather than using "talking heads." This means: avoid descriptions (such as a Ted Talk explaining a concept); instead,  look for concrete, tangible examples (such as a reality TV show interaction or the multigenerational relationships on Modern Family where characters can be parents and children within the same episode. Your examples can be either positive  (i.e. good/ineffective family communication) or negative (i.e.  ineffective/inappropriate family communication.
POSSIBLE CONCEPTS (You are not restricted to this list)
Adaptability (Circumplex Model)taken Cohesion (Circumplex Model) Connected-Flexible ( Circumplex Model)
Family-as-System Fictive kin taken Chaotically Disengaged (Circumplex Model)
Pluralistic(Comm. Patterns Model) Family of Origin taken Consensual (Comm. Patterns Model)
Laissez-faire taken(Comm. Patterns Model) Independent /Mixed Couples Use Confirming Messages (Fam.Relationships)
Networked Families ALL families are  both functional AND dysfunctional You are always your parents' child (Adult Children)
Siblings & Birth Order  taken Families as examples of homeostasis Family Relationships: Visible & Invisible Messages  
---due by  3/29_sooner is better__     (email to professor) Topic selection. (Since this is a group decision, the email should be sent by one person &  addressed to me but should "cc" [copy] the 2-3 other members of the group.)
--- a.s.a.p. Group members interact virtually. Use whatever modalities you are familiar with. Group  work sites can be set up in Blackboard, if necessary. Compare research & readings . Share videos.  Create your own videos. Deliberate on which video clip best  ILLUSTRATES your chosen family concept. Write an  group paper to accompany your video submission  that explains what you have done (required explanation  contents listed below)
---due n.l.t. _4/6  noon -sooner is better_(post Group's results to designated Discussion board forum  in Blackboard) Oral presentations will begin on 4/6 during a virtual class session in Blackboard Collaborate. Submit Results. The Blackboard Discussion Board format is being used for his oroject so that Everybody in the class can see what was submitted. The videos & explanations will be used for virtual class sessions as well as for upcoming test questions.

    Written Submission details
1. 200-to-300 words,
2. explain specifically how the clip illustrates the course concept. (include  location: page numbers/slide number, etc.)
3. Imagine the person reading your post knows nothing about the family concept but should be able to understand it from your explanation.
4. Writing style should be clear & concise --with no grammar or punctuation errors

5. Provide the source citation (name of the movie, etc.+ a link to the video file).
.If it is taken from a longer video, indicate the timestamp for the portion you are using.

Video Submission details
1. Clip  cannot  be something clearly labeled with that  concept on YouTube or another site
Clip should be appropriate for a mixed audience ( e.g. no vulgarities, improprieties, etc.)
3. Clip should be brief (1-2 minutes).If you cannot edit to the specific clip, be extra sure to notate the time stamp in your written post.
4. Clip should illustrate, not describe, the selected concept.
5. (tentative) The best clips will be shown in class, and if yours is selected, you will be asked to present your explanation.



Follow Grading Criteria ( Rubric pending)

Depending upon evidence, grades will be assigned per group or per individual. In other words, if there is clear evidence that the work  for this project was unbalanced and all group members did not participate equally, participants will be graded separately. Otherwise, the default is to assign a "group grade." 

A column will be added to Grade Center for recording the grades received.











