Family Team Projects
Let's Debate the Issue!    ver.3 {sml-class}/{ Beebe-5e/6e/7e}
\ last updated  10/20/14


 all due for presentation in class  if possible, beginning on Mon 10/27 & continuing on Weds 10/29 & (if nec.) Mon 11/3  

"Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way."
Leo Tolstoy, Anna Karenina, Chapter 1, first line
Russian mystic & novelist (1828 - 1910)


GENERAL RATIONALE:   In addition to the readings, the film clips & in-class discussion, you also will be exploring the dynamics of Family & Family Communication by means of these team projects indicated below. It is planned that each team will have some in-class time for meeting & planning on 10/22 .  However,  a substantial amount of advance,  team contact should not be necessary. Nevertheless, teams can  use additional outside-of-class contact as desired [face-to-face or via email] and. of course,  team members will need to know each others'  respective position statements and proposed supporting research. This coordination will help you achieve a balanced presesentation without duplication or redundancy. 


Whenever possible, at least one member in each team has contracted for  Project #2,  so you can look to those persons as  a special resource for the team's work.



END RESULT:   a _15--20_ minute {+ REFUTATION Q&A}  team presentation in a debate format-- based on the topic assigned to the team. [as listed below]

 As you may know,  the  debate format presents arguments both FOR and AGAINST a core statement. For this semester, some special adaptations are being made so read the directions carefully.

All presentations will follow this format  :
1. a vivid, interesting "gimmick" as an attention getter.   {e.g. video clip, audio clip, real life example, TV talk show, role play, etc.}
2a. each team member will ARGUE (speak in support of) the topic/position statement assigned.
2b.  After delivering the 3 statements in-support-of, teammates will repeat the process by arguing just as effectively AGAINST the original topic/position statement.  This is actually a psuedo debate because each person is "arguing" to the audience.
2c.  After giving all 3 statements in support,  teammates will repeat the process by arguing just as effectively AGAINST the original topic/position statement.
3. These arguments should be structured like mini-persuasive speeches  and graded both individually and for team effectiveness. In order to receive full credit, there needs to be explicit incorporation & explanation [in your-own-words] of relevant terms and concepts from pp. 347-363 in Chapter 12 AND relevant material from other sources - such as Plummer's Principles To Remember-Family (PPTR-F) or  any other reading you have done in reference to family communication dynamics.  (remember, your team goal is to use the debate format to  make a brief, specific & scholarly  presentation which will illuminate and thoughtfully explore a particular dynamic about family communication)  
Note: if you will need any additional presentation aid equipment besides what is in the classroom,  be sure to contact your instructor about appropriate procedures.  The media center needs at least 48 hours notice.


Grading will be done based on the content and quality of the oral performances; there is no mandatory submission -- but  you are welcome to hand in your notes and a reference list. 


Reminder: Through the mode of debating, the goal of your presentation is a combination of...
(a) TEACHING your classmates about the importance of a designated  Chap. 12 concept, and
 (b)CLARIFYING to your classmates how that Family-related dynamic actually operates. These presentations will receive both an individual & a  group-grade in the "classwork" category  and a
 The rest of the details are up to you. Use your creativity!


Grading will be done based on the content and quality of the oral performances; there is no mandatory submission -- but  you are welcome to hand in your notes and a reference list. 



                TEAMS & TOPICS:  


  Team  X--Rebecca  White  / Lauren Maffei  / Yuki Mori

  Debate  Topic:  Family Deterioration:  

YoIn turn, each person will have 2-4 minutes each to argue FOR and AGAINST this specific statement: " The concept of family in contemporary society is in the process of deteriorating."




  Team--  Nahleen  Taylor Matt  Snee /  Penny   Fitzpatrick

 Debate  Topic:  Family Structure:  

YoIn turn, each person will have 2-4 minutes each to argue FOR and AGAINST this specific statement: " The best family system structure for living in the 21st century is 'Flexible- Disengaged "                           [see model on p.352]



Team Z--  tba /e.c.

Panel Discussion Topic:  Family Withholding & Disclosure:  see text: ques #3 - p.376  [TOP -of-page]  [[6th ed. = # 3 [TOP-of-page] P.373]  

Panel Discussion Topic:  Birth Order is Destiny

Panel Discussion Topic:  tba re: voluntary kin/ F-O-O vs F-O-Chce







  Some interesting Family Followup Questions from past semesters: if time, we also will discuss these items. Teams should be prepared.

- - all teams: What would you recommend as the EIGHTH PPTR-F?

 - V-deterioration etc.- Does it still "take a village..." to raise a family?  Has that dynamic changed? (since back in the day...)

V-deterioration etc.  - How IS the extended family doing? Are we becoming more or less nuclear?

V-deterioration etc.  -  the  search for the Soulmate : myth or reality?

W-enculturation etc. - Can you pull away from your "native" culture/co-culture without being disloyal? Would you want to?

-   X-withhold-disclose - What about personal privacy-- Can I keep secrets &/or compartmentalize my life and still be "authentic"?

X-withhold-disclose - Parents have lived through similar stuff. All that's really changed is the "how".  They DO understand what it's like.  Myth or Reality?

 -  X-withhold-disclose - re:  current anti-drug commercials that encourage parents to just talk to their kids/ Is it really possible to open up communication  channels with a teen if you haven't done it before?

Y-cohesion dimension - How can a family encourage  the right balance of Cohesion - some tips for future parents. What's the cure for "helicopter parents" &/or over scheduled kids?

Y-cohesion dimension - By definition, families are incredibly interdependent (via systems theory) so it makes sense that patterns in mental disturbance and/or substance abuse can often be traced back to the family & can go on for generations.  Are we "doomed to keep repeating these "vicious cycles"??

Z-adaptability dimension - Have contemporary practices & divorce rates forced U.S. families to become  too adaptable?




If your team is presenting a PANEL  discussion, this is the form you should complete this form & turn in as soon as possible: [ use "copy & paste" to create a new document][ adjust fonts as necessary] 


Our designated discussion question: (see assignment sheet above) ____________________

Our designated leader/moderator: ____________________

The specific points that need to be covered via our discussion [from Chap 12 {5th ed - Ch11} & other readings/findings on Family & Family communication & Family dynamics. ]







Whenever doing a panel presentation, there is an awareness of the presence of an audience even though the panel members are actually interacting spontaneously among themselves. When you are involved in discussing your topic in front of an audience, remember you are not talking TO them but you are talking FOR them.  Be sure to keep that energy & volume up & projected outward. Your goal is to keep your audience motivated to listen even though you are not making eye contact with them.




If your team is presenting a SKIT/DEMONSTRATION   this is the form you should complete & turn in as soon as possible:   [ use "copy & paste" to create a new document]


Our designated area of focus: (see assignment sheet) ____________________

Our designatedleader/ moderator: ____________________

The specific points that need to be illustrated  via our demonstration [from Chap 12 {5th ed - Ch11} & other readings/findings on Family & Family communication & Family dynamics. ]




Our specific plan/plot: (including  characters & setting)



