Articles, Reviews and Other Citations

Click here for a general bibliography on nonprofit management education.

"A New Breed of NFP Employee," The Not-for-Profit Advisor, Hartford, CT, Fleet Investment Management, July 1998. Research report cited - "Nonprofit Management Education: Current Offerings and Practices in University-Based Programs."

Billitteri, Thomas, "Research on Charities Falls Short: Leaders of nonprofit groups point to work they can't use," The Chronicle of Philanthropy, Vol. X, No. 4, November 27, 1997, pp. 31-35. Research report cited - "Nonprofit Management Education in the Year 2000 (Wish/Mirabella) - and contributor to article.

Cohen, Todd. (1999) "Managing When Profit Isn't the Goal: Universities Turn Out New Sort of Specialist," The New York Times, Section 3, Money and Business, April 18, p. 11.

Eisenberg, Pablo. (1999) "Academic Centers Don't Develop Charity Leaders," The Chronicle of Philanthropy, Vol. XI (11), March 25, pp. 39-40.

Johnson, Dirk. "A Master's Degree in Philanthropy Teaches the Business of Doing Good," The New York Times, December 24, 1997. Research findings cited - "Nonprofit Management Education in the Year 2000."

Mirabella, Roseanne M. (2001) "Filling the Hollow State: Capacity-Building Within the Nonprofit Sector." Public Performance and Management Review, Vol. 25, No.1.

Mirabella, Roseanne M. and David O. Renz. (2001) "Nonprofit Management Outreach Programs: An Examination of Institutional Mission and Setting." Public Performance and Management Review, Vol. 25, No.1.

Mirabella, Roseanne M. and Naomi Bailin Wish. (2001) "University-Based Educational Programs in the Management of Nonprofit Organizations: An Updated Census of U.S. Programs." Public Performance and Management Review, Vol. 25, No.1.

Mirabella, Roseanne M. and Naomi B. Wish. Graduate Department of Public and Healthcare Administration "The "Best Place" Debate: A Comparison of Graduate Education Programs for Nonprofit Managers." In Public Administration Review, Volume 60, Number 3, May/June 2000.

Mirabella, Roseanne M. and Naomi B. Wish. (1999) " Perceived Educational Impact of Graduate Nonprofit Degree Programs: Perspectives of Multiple Stakeholders." Research Report, Nonprofit Management and Leadership, Vol. 9, No. 3, Spring.

Stainburn, Samantha, "Back to School: Nonprofit professionals are enrolling in universities' new nonprofit management programs in record numbers. What do they know that you don't?, \" Who Cares Magazine, March/April 1998, pp. 17-25. Research report cited - "Nonprofit Management Education in the Year 2000 (Wish/Mirabella) - and contributor to article.

Wish, Naomi and Roseanne Mirabella, "A Master's Degree in Nonprofit Management Education in the Year 2000" Public Enterprise, February 1997.

Wish, Naomi and Roseanne Mirabella, "Degrees for Doing Good," Foundation News and Commentary, May/June 1998.

Wish, Naomi and Roseanne Mirabella, "Nonprofit Management in Education: Current Offerings and Practices in University-Based Programs in the United States," Inside ISTR, Vol. 6, No. 1, Winter 1998.

Wish, Naomi B. and Roseanne M. Mirabella. (1998) "Curricular Variations in Nonprofit Management Graduate Programs," Research Report, Nonprofit Management and Leadership, Vol. 9, No. 1, Fall.

Wish, Naomi B. and Roseanne M. Mirabella. 1998. "Nonprofit Management Education: Current Offerings and Practices in University-Based Programs." In Nonprofit Management Education: U.S. and World Perspectives, ed. Michael O'Neill and Kathleen Fletcher. Westport, CT: Praeger, pp. 13-22.