Western Civilization I

Fall Semester 2003

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    Course Description
    Course Requirements
    Information Technology
    Primary Documents

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      Seton Hall University
      Department of History
      Professor Nathaniel Knight






Course Description:

This course will provide an introduction to the basic ideas, events and historical processes that have shaped Western culture throughout the ages and helped to make our world what it is today. We will start with the ancient civilizations of Egypt and Mesopotamia, explore the world of classical Greece and the Roman Empire, trace the rise of medieval Europe and conclude our survey with the Renaissance, the Reformation and the expansion of European power throughout the world. The course is intended to provide an accessible and engaging introduction to the realm of historical thought. No previous knowledge or experience is necessary.



The following required textbook is available for purchase in the campus bookstore:

Jackson J. Spielvogel, Western Civilization, Volume I: To 1715. 5th ed. Wadsworth Thomson, 2003.

Additional mandatory readings and supplemental materials are available in the schedule section of the course web site


Primary Documents:

You will be required to complete three primary document worksheets during the course of the semester.

Follow these links to find:
            Your group (The class is divided into five groups each of which will write of a different set of documents)
            The list of documents with hyperlinks
            The document worksheet


Course Requirements:

Attendance at all class sessions is mandatory—you will be held responsible for materials presented in class whether you were there or not. Assigned readings must be completed before the date for which they were assigned, and you should come prepared to discuss and ask questions about the reading. All written work must be handed in by the assigned due date. Extensions will only be granted prior to the due date in extreme cases (i.e. medical or family emergency). All other work turned in late will be penalized. Work for the course will consist of two short quizzes, a mid-term, a final exam, and three short writing assignments. I reserve the right to give additional assignments and should it appear necessary.

Attendance and Participation:   10%
Final Exam                               30%
Mid-term Exam                        25%
Quizzes                                    20%
Worksheets                             15%

Standards of academic integrity will be strictly enforced. All student must read the Statement on Academic Integrity and sign a pledge promising to refrain from cheating in any form.



Information Technology:

This course requires intensive use of informational technology. All students must have regular access to a personal computer, the world wide web, and electronic mail. Assignments, outlines, and readings will be posted on the course web page and I may require you to submit written work via e-mail. If you have any concerns over technology related issues talk to me and/or contact the help-desk in Corrigan Hall (x2222)

Nathaniel Knight
Seton Hall University
Sept 3, 2003