Western Civilization I
Outline #4
Professor Knight 

The Ancient Hebrews

I. The Historical Tradition
            Mesopotamian influence: Parallel mythologies.
            Patriarch Abraham
            Migration to Egypt
            Exodus (escape) from Israel led by Moses: approx. 1225BC.
            Era of Judges
                The Philistines
            Era of Kingship
                Saul: 1024-1000BC
                David: 1000-961BC
                Solomon: 961-922BC
                   Construction of the Temple
            Division of the Kingdom
                    Judah (South), Israel (North)
            Era of the Prophets
                Destruction of Israel by Assyrians: 722BC
                Destruction of Judah by Babylonians (Chaldeans): 586BC
                Babylonian Exile (586-539BC)
                Major prophets: Isaiah, Amos, Jeremiah, Daniel
                Cyrus—Founder of Persian Empire (late 6th c. BC) 

II. The Hebrew Religious Tradition
            Vision of God.
                Monotheism, Omnipotence, Goodness, Justice.
            Vision of the Individual
                Moral Freedom, Moral Accountability
                Dignity and Autonomy of the Individual
            The Law
                Idea of the Covenant.
                "A Chosen People"
                Ethnical Responsibility, Justice
            Vision of History
                History moves in a particular direction
                Eschatology (belief in the coming of the apocalypse)