Western Civilization
Outline #25
Professor Knight
Renaissance Politics
I.  The Gunpowder Revolution
	Gunpowder invented in China c. 1000
	First “Firepots” 1320s
	Cannons developed after 1400 as siege weapons
		Medieval castle loses military significance
		Capture of Constantinople, 1453.
	The Musket—introduced c. 1500
	Battle of Pavia, 1525
	Democratization of Warfare, Decline of Chivalry
	Strengthening of Royality, the state.
II.  The Renaissance system of international relations
	Italy--Five major states
		Venice, Florence, Milan, Naples, Papal States
	Invention of Diplomacy
		Ambassadors, alliances, spheres of influence, etc.
	Balance of Power
	Charles VIII of France invades Italy, 1494.
		Italian system spreads throughout continent
	Valois Dynasty
	Hapsburg Dynasty
		Charles V (1519)
			Controls Spain, Austria, Naples, Netherlands, Burgundy.
		Marriage Politics
		Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain (late 15th c.)
			Unite Castille and Aragon, create Spanish Kingdom.
	Rise of the Ottoman Empire
		Suleiman the Magnificent (ruled 1520-1566)
		Conquest of Hungary
	Alliance between France and the Ottoman Empire
	Treaty of  Cateau-Cambresis, 1559
III.  Renaissance International Theory
	Nicolo Machiavelli (1469-1527)
	“The Prince”
		Assumption of Evil
		“Reasons of State”