Western Civilization
Outline #22
Professor Knight
England, France and the Crusades
I.  England
	Norman Invasion of England—1066
	William the Conqueror (1066-1087)
	Introduction of Feudalism
	Church State Relations
		Thomas a Becket
	Henry II (1154-1189)
	French Possessions of English Kings
		Normandy, Anjoi, Aquitaine, Brittany, Gascony
	Richard the Lion-Hearted (1189-1199)
	King John (1199-1216)
	Loss of Northern French Territory
	The Magna Carta (1215)
II.  France
	Capetian Dynasty
	Ile de France
	Philip Augustus (1180-1223)
	St. Louis IX (1226-1270)
	Philip the Fair (1285-1314)
III.  The Crusades
	Expansion of Christian Europe
		Reconquest of Moslem Spain
		Conquest of Sicily
			Normans in Italy
			Robert Guiscard
	Seljuk Turks
	Battle of Manzikert (1071)
		Byzantine Empire loses control of Asia Minor
	Pope Urban II calls for crusade (1095)
		Capture of Jerusalem (1099)
	Fourth Crusade (1204)
		Sack of Constantinople
	Crusaders driven from the Holy Land (1291)