Imperial Russia
Outline #6
Professor Knight
The Era of Catherine the Great
I. Catherines Rise of the Throne
Born 1729, Princess Sophia of Anhalt-Zerbst
1744Marries Grand Duke Peter, Heir to Russian Throne.
1754Gives birth to son Paul
Who was the father?
Death of Empress ElizabethDec. 1761
Emperor Peter III (1762)
Emancipation of the Nobility
Confiscation of Church Lands
June 1762Palace Coup in favor of Catherine
Grigory Orlov
II. Catherine as Ruler
Influence of the Enlightenment
Favorate authors: Montesquieu, William Blackstone
The Grand Commission of 1767
Estates (RussianSoslovie)
Nobility, Merchantry, Clergy, Townspeople, Peasantry
RaznochintsyPeople who dont fit in.
Catherines Instruction (Nakaz) to the Commission.
Statute on Local Administration (1775)
Pugachev Rebellion (1772)
Charter to the Nobility (1785)
Charter to the Towns (1785)
III. Golden Age of the Nobility
Why did Nobles continue to serve?
The Question of Serfdom
Lack of legal framework governing relations with Serfs
Serf Orchestras, Serf Theatres
Theatricality of Russian Noble Culture
Serf Harems, Sale of Families
Alexander Radishchev, Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow (1791)
Catherines relationship to the enlightenment.
Enlightened Monarch or Poseur?