Imperial Russia
Outline #16
Professor Knight
Defenders of the Old Order: Alexander III and the Counterreforms
I. Dilemmas of Autocracy
Defeat in Victory: Repression breeds Revolution
Glasnost' vs. Proizvol: The role of civil society
Modernization without Democracy?
Siege Mentality
II. Bureaucratic Factions
Enlightened Bureaucrats
Petr Valuev, Nikolai and Dmitrii Miliutin, Mikhail Reitern. A. V. Golovnin.
Defenders of Autocracy
Konstantin Pobedonostsev, Dmitrii Tolstoy
III. Pendulum Swings
Polish Rebellion-1863
Karakozov attempts to assassinate Alexander II-1866
Dmitrii Tolstoy appointed Minister of Education-1867
Reform of Secondary Education-Classical curriculum
Russo-Turkish War-1876-1877
Trial of Vera Zasulich-1878
People's Will Campaign to Assassinate Alexander II-1879-1881
General Mikhail Loris-Melikov: Dictatorship of the Heart
Loris Melikov's "Constitution"
IV. The Counter Reforms
Alexander III (ruled 1881-1894)
N. I. Ignat'ev: Minister of Internal Affairs-1881-1883
The Kakhanov Commission (1881-1884)
Dmitrii Tolstoy appointed Minister of Internal Affairs, 1883.
New University Charter, 1884
Minister of Education-"No more cook's sons"
Alexander Pazukhin: Marshall of the Nobility from Samara Province.
Reform of Local Administration: 1889
Land Captains (Zemskii nachal'niki)
Zemstvo Reform, 1890
Mood of Society: "Small deeds liberalism"